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House Flint


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Hello, i just wanted to ask something about Houses Flint. I don't understand, the Flints of Widow's Watch are bannermen of House Manderly (I'm not sure). And what about House Flint of Flint's Finger ? Their lands are far from White Harbour. Or maybe I'm making a mistake and that the Flints of Widow's Watch are not bannermen of House Manderly but a House of the same rank (like House Manderly, Umber, Bolton) and not a lesser house (like House Forrester, House Whitehill and House Woolfield).

Please answer me :)

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There are 4 known Flint houses in the North..

Flint of the mountains - one of the clans, called the FFirst Flints as they claim to be the oldest branch http:


"Its chief is known as "The Flint", although at Winterfell the treatment of "Lord Flint" is used."

House Flint of Breakstone Hill, once kings of Breakstone , probably extinc during ASoIaF ( or they are now Flints of the mountains )http://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/House_Flint_of_Breakstone_Hill

House Flint of Widow's Watch, lords, most powerful branch during ASOiAFhttp://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/House_Flint_of_Widow%27s_Watch

House Flint of Flint's Finger http://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/House_Flint_of_Flint%27s_Finger

Sometimes there are houses with the same name who aren't related to each other:

Shell of the Vale - Shell of Dorne

Wells from the North - Wells from Dorne

or house split into few branches sworn to the same different lords:


Kenning of Kayce ( bannermen of Lannisters in the Westerlands ) - Kenning of the Iron Islands ( bannermen of the Greyjoys )

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