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History of Westeros after the Targaryens settle Dragonstone but before Aegon's Conquest


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I'm planning to run a game of A Song of Ice and Fire RPG and was thinking of setting it before Aegon's conquest of Westeros, but after the Targaryens have settled Dragonstone, so sometime after ca-200 but before ca-2/2BC.

I was looking at the wiki Timeline of Major Events, but there's a gap there of anything going on in Westeros. Is there anywhere I can find more information about that period? Which houses come and go, which territories are taken over, who was allied with who, who was fighting who, what was going on with the wall and north of it, any other notable people or events?

Thank you!

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The World of Ice and Fire (the book, not the app) would be helpful. But you can really only piece together things in the few years leading up to the Conquest, because that's the first "hard" date we are given.

No dates (even years) are used for before the Conquest. The whole "BC" thing is a purely fan creation, I don't think it's ever used as such in the books. You might get something like "in the last years before the Conquest", at best.

So all the stories are there, but working out exactly when they're happening in relation to when the Targs arrived and when the Conquest happened is difficult.

Good luck, sounds fun!

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One example: Harrenhal took 40 years to build and was completed on the day of Aegon's landing. So if you then work outwards from Harren the Black and the people he interacted with (as per TWOIAF), you can set up a timeframe for the last half-century before the Conquest.

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That period after the Doom is know as the 'Century of Blood' -- lots going on in Essos, including the rise of the Dothraki and fall of Sarnor. Ironborn, under the Hoares, hold the Riverlands, after ejecting the Stormlanders. See TWOIAF.

Sounds like a fun campaign! :)

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