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Edmure tully responsible for Robb Starks fate


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Edmure is Lord Paramount of the Riverlands and likely the #2 authority in the hierarchy of the new Kingdom of the North and the Trident. Obviously, that kingdom has not yet had time congeal into a coherent set of institutions, but under any conceivable setup Edwure would have significant autonomy and discretion. That includes, of course, the ability to react to changing circumstances and take advantage of new opportunities.

If Robb has a plan that is so counter-intuitive and convoluted that it requires Edmure to pass up a golden opportunity to defeat Tywin Lannister and allow the Westermen to trap Robb in the West and then fight him on their home turf with vastly superior numbers, then Robb needs to tell Edmure that.

Edmure not doing what Robb wanted is 100% on Robb. Robb cannot leave a vague order ('hold Riverrun") and then complain when, several months later, Edmure not only fulfills that command perfectly, but also beats Tywin frickin' Lannister in battle.

I mean, is Edmure allowed to breathe? Robb never told him he was allowed to do that, just to hold Riverrun.

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