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Tinfoil about darkstar and a targ


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That would only make sense if the characters in universe had a discussion. The readers run the "x is a secret Targaryen" simply by the fact they believe Targaryen, yes Targaryen not any Valyrian, means instant genetic superiority.

I'm not entirely sure what you mean here.


If Tyrion shows up riding a dragon, people in Westeros are going to think he has Targaryen blood.  It's been set up in the series that during the Dance the Targs tried to find Dragonseeds aka Targ bastards to ride dragons.


The fact that this particular conversation hasn't happened yet between the characters doesn't mean it won't in the next book or two.  What good would it do to be discussing whether or not non-Targs can ride dragons in a nation that hasn't seen any dragons in over 100 years?  It only becomes an issue when the dragons return, and someone is riding them who according to folklore should not be able to do so.

GRRM has set up the Tyrion could be Aerys' bastard thing for the characters to deal with this exact issue.  Tyrion is 100% Lannister but there are enough hints of things that could, maybe, kinda-sorta, potentially indicate that his mother slept with Aerys nine months before he was born to cast some doubt.


Nobody said Valyrian or Targ = genetic superiority.  But we do have magic bloodlines in this series, so we kind of have to deal with that.  Magic is not necessarily better.

And of course there are a lot of fans who, like the characters, think you have to be a Targ to ride a dragon.

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