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A Song of Ice and Fire compared with Final Fantasy Tactics


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I was musing on one of the classic video games that I enjoyed as a child, Final Fantasy Tactics, and I increasingly was struck by just how many similarities there are between both that game and aSoIaF. In all fairness, remakes of FFT have included specific shoutouts to aSoIaF for this very reason, so its not as though I've stumbled across something groundbreaking here.

  • Both are based on the Wars of the Roses, so much of the intrigue surrounding the succession is very recognizable. Obviously, that is inevitable when they're both drawing on the same source material, so the similarities here are not quite as profound as they might seem, so I won't go into all of these.
  • Both have a magical outside context threat looming, in the Others and the Lucavi, that are dismissed by everyone.
  • Both have the major religious organization trying to manipulate the nobility to strengthen their own power and rally the common people to their side.
  • Both have a main protagonist (Jon/Ramza) who is the bastard son of a very respected and honorable noble and who does their best to live up to the legend of their father (obv, Jon's parentage is more complicated).
  • Both take place largely in a kingdom that is composed of 7 formerly independent kingdoms.
  • Both take place long after a cataclysm doomed an earlier, non-feudal, civilization and the modern relationship with that civilization's power is comparably rare and doubted in modern times (magic and advanced technology, respectively).
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