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Jon Snow arc was about the power of hard choices.

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One of my biggest issue with the finale was Jon Snow. As many others I was livid that after all that he went throught he is sent to the end of the world, into exile, to a loveless life. The relationship and trust with his family somewhat broken. I wished that the would've died when Drogon burns the Iron Throne. He seemed pretty suicidal after he is ressurected, and for me a life beyond the North would be a guilt ridden life with a few happy moments with his dog and Tormund.

Jon was supossed to be a King, he was the prince that was promised, Azor Ahai, he was supossed to love Daenerys, he was to bring Westeros into a new age of Targaryen restoration and greatness. For me his arc was unfullfilled, R+L=J didn't matter, all that symbolism and foreshadowing gone without purpose.

24 hours later and I must admit very few hours of sleep ( Gods I loved this series) his epilogue starts to grow on me and I think George via show, delivered perfectly what he promised, a bittersweet ending, for Jon at least.

He ends up in the true North with his people. They are alive because of him, their children Will grow up and live free lives becasue of Jon's actions and sacrifices. He is beloved by the wildlings , because of his actions and his duty , they chose him to live with them and to lead them when the times comes, just as they did with Mance and Tormund. And Jon himself makes a choice and leaves with them, leaving everything that has past behind.

And Jon Snow arc and its conclusion I think resides in the power of choice, the power of hard choices that life makes you take. He is where he supossed to be because he always was and stayed his own person. Daenerys as many others believed in destiny and the duty she had to the greatness of this Destiny. That belief justified her choices of Fire and Blood and not in a house with a red door. In the end Jon doesn't pursue his Crown as King in the North or his leadership as Lord Commander because he was Ned Stark's bastard or his nephew , he doesn't want the Iron Throne because he was the true heir, the last Targaryen in the world with the weight of a dynasty on his shoulders.

Once again, he makes his choice. HE IS Jon Snow.

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