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Game of Thrones: the trilogy

Targaryen Peas

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I have been thinking about this for days. 

Imagine a GoT trilogy, something that could be done in 3 movies instead of 72 episodes.

Game of Thrones: Origin. This episode would retrace the rise of the Targaryen family, as they were not the biggest in Valyria. The prophecy, how nobody believed it. The doom, and how the Targaryen managed to conquer/rally all the colonies etc. Why they decided to go to Westeros, why not conquerins the rest of Essos. There are so many things to do in that region, to explore for the spectators.


Game of Thrones: After the doom. It would take place right after the Targaryen's arrival in Westeros, the conquest, the Dornish resistance. Until the unification of the seven kingdoms and the vision of hope for the future under the Targ reign. 


Game of Thrones: The mad king. Basically everything from Robert's rebellion. To the exile of the surviving Targaryen.  


I just think it could be amazing, what do you people think? 

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