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Excitement mixed with Dread


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Being an ASOIAF reader can mean that after you finish AFFC you will ravenously consume anything related to the book series in anticipation for DWD to come out and of course now the (cross fingers/knock on wood) tv series. Some fans even reread the series many times trying to get their fix. I for one have never been able to complete a reread of the books. Mainly because it is so hard for me to read about and read while knowing all the terrible things that happen to my favorite characters. That got me to thinking last night that watching (cross fingers/knock on wood) all of the books play out on HBO is probably going to be extremely difficult at times too. All joking aside, because I am VERY VERY excited about the GOT potential series, but is there anyone else who has a slight sense of dread in watching some of the scenes/episodes play out and getting attached to these actors and actresses? I mean "ours is a brutal fandom. . . "

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I'm sort of attached to the actors and actresses already, just by proxy. Since we've been a part of the casting process (or at least pretend we have) a lot of us have Googled, YouTubed, and re-watched various videos featuring many of these actors.

Each announcement has been followed by a flurry of discovery and in many cases recognition. "Oh yeah, that was the old guy from ___ !"

So it is, for me, more excitement than dread. I'm seriously going to be sitting on my couch, bowl of popcorn in hand, as the Game of Thrones opening scene parts its curtains for us, eager as anything to glimpse Campbell Bower, Webb, and Ridings. And part of me will know them as Waymar, Will, and Gared, but the other part will be all, "OMG, there's Campbell Bower, Webb, AND Ridings! I know all three of those dudes!"

SPOILER: things from season 1 and beyond
And probably doubly so for the beheading scene that follows.

Having seen most of the adult actors in this, that, or the others, I sort of already know what to expect. I mean, GoT Script + Sean Bean = Eddard. I can sort of see these people doing these characters in my head. (Really - I did a re-read of the first few chapters just a few days ago, reading the roles as though they were being acted by our cast - and it went well!)

If I'm having any difficulty at all it's with the unknowns; the kids, mostly, and maybe Jon Snow. But I already know the story, and I don't fear what I already know will happen. In fact, it thrills me when George hurts us all so.

Bran's incident will be wholly expected. I just want the camera to catch it well.

And if we make it past season one, I really want to see Joffrey, that little fucknugget, get his.

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