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Anybody else don't want Dany to become Queen?

Bastard of the North

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I'll admit that I am not a huge fan of Dany, but I have reluctantly accepted that she will be Queen on Westeros when the series ends. In AGoT I never appreciated her and her brothers whiny claims of being the true rulers of Westeros, however, as I continued reading I realized that Dany would be a better queen than Cersei or even Robert the Usurper. However, I hope that Martin does not have Dany claim the throne with her Nephew/Husband Jon and and just continue the Targaryen monarchy as if nothing changed. Because the Westeros of Queen Danaerys is not the Westeros of King Aerys. I do not want to see the Targaryens continue the tradition of incestuous relationships. Throughout the books we have seen many characters remark how unnatural it was, and we have seen that the inbreeding has led to some irregularities in the Targaryen blood, for Martin to have Dany and Jon continue that relationship would be, for me, disappointing. I accept the theory that Jon does equal R+L, but I don't want that to translate into Jon being Dany's husband and the continuation of the Targaryen inbreeding.

IIRC Dany may be barren, which sort of prevents her from having children with Jon. And if some Jon/Dany dynasty begins, do you really see Jon Snow forcing his children into an incestuous relationship, because his potentially crazy aunt says so? There's really no way Dany could force him to do that. Afterall she doesn't have red hair.

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As long as the events seem natural and not forced, as long as my suspension of disbelief is not rudely broken, whatever happens with Dany happens. You can't complain about what simply is.

I do think that her being queen in a totally foreign land might be problematic. The original Targs did it of course, but there was more than one of them. From what we've seen though, I don't know who would make a better ruler.

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It's been shown time and again in the books how adaptable Dany is. If people want to see barbarian queen, she will be it, if they want her to bare one breast and cry a lot, she will, and if she has to gulp down raw horse heart, by golly, she'll do it! So I bet she will change her image for Westeros invasion. She's a smart cookie. Although I agree she might be dissapointed in what Westeros is.

As for Shireen, a natural Danny "heir", although it seems more likely she will be a sacrifice, when I thought about the end of the story, I decided that she's my ideal candidate. That would be pretty bitter sweet and with good touch of realism. On the Iron Throne is neither some brilliant monster nor brilliant shiny hero like Dany, but ordinary girl, who will be manipulated by those around her (they will also support her, people who get their hands on her first. ) But that's probably too much for Martin, he's a bit more romantic author afterall... then again who knows.

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IIRC Dany may be barren, which sort of prevents her from having children with Jon. And if some Jon/Dany dynasty begins, do you really see Jon Snow forcing his children into an incestuous relationship, because his potentially crazy aunt says so?

Jon and Dany are in an interesting position, in that they were not raised among House Targaryen family members (save Dany and her batshit insane brother) in King's Landing during they height of their dynasty.

Jon for one, would most likely find the idea of an incestuous relationship disturbing (at least among brother and sister, isn't marriage between cousins considered acceptable in Westeros?) and Daenerys is apparently barren anyway, negating any harm that could cause.

Dany has also had her eyes opened to the dangers of incest, thanks to Ser Barristan's reluctant admissions and growing up with her brother Viserys.

It is extremely likely that they would abolish the practice.

There's really no way Dany could force him to do that. Afterall she doesn't have red hair.

Yes, Jon's children (if he has any) would be Jon's children. Not Dany's. So long as he isn't a traitor to the throne, IIRC, the King/Queen cannot force a father to marry off their children to others of their own choosing.

Oh, and I hate to nitpick, but so far as we know Jon doesn't really have a thing for redheads. Its just that Ygritte was practically throwing herself at him, and if he hadn't slept with her he would have been killed. Now, if he willingly sleeps with Mel while under no duress, there might be something there.

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