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Pick your own Kingsguard.


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Well, if I needed a Queensguard, I guess I'd pick...

Barristan Selmy (Lord Commander, of course)

Jaime Lannister (Not only has he become more conscientious, he also has some impressive diplomatic skills)

Brienne Tarth (One of the most honorable people in Westeros...and extremely good at fighting)

Loras Tyrell (Extremely good at fighting)

Jon Snow (An incredible swordsman, and proven to be good at making big decisions...he might make an excellent Hand)

Areo Hotah (Dutiful and deadly)

Justin Massey? (He seems pretty intelligent and fair-minded for a knight...)

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Since the OP doesn't say they have to be technically eligible, I threw a few on here that could not possibly ever be, due to prior commitments. But this is my damn list, and I'm sticking to it:

Ser Barristan Selmy...cause that's just a no brainer

Lord Commander Jeor Mormont....cause he's an imposing bear

Khal Drogo...cause every KG needs a feakshow

Benjen Stark...cause he seems to hate everything southron, so he'd be a resentful, mean bastard to deal with

Gendry Baratheon. Tough as his daddy, young and dutiful.

Daario Naharis...so Dany can stop drooling already

Someone from House Velaryon.,,,if nothing else, he will strike the threat first, and ask questions later.

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1. Barristan Selmy: Lord Commander ( faithful)

2. Sandor Glegane: (im all in he's alive as the gravedigger)

3. Jaime Lannister ( i would have killed the Mad King myself after seeing Lord Stark and Brandon Stark died), I mean what more damaged he can do to his reputation

4. Garlan Tyrell ( faithful)

5. Victarion Greyjoy ( is faithful)

6. Areo Hotah ( is faithful)

7. Brienne of Tarth ( is faithful)

In the bubble:

Balon Swann ( multiple references of being born to be a kingsguard and being a good fighter)

If certain people would still be alive I concede Arthur Dayne and Gerold Hightower would have been in the Kingsguard as well as Daemon Blackfyre, Aemon targaeryan and Ned Stark and Sir Dunca the Tall. Dont like Oberyn Martell as a member, too many broken laws and he is a poisonous serpent and for many reasons, even if brynden tully was a faithful, he deserted his brother to the Vale, the only thing i like is he a excellent strategician like Robb

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Granted the Lords in question would be willing to give up lands and titles...

1. Lord Commander- Bronze Yohn Royce (Well respected, intimidating warrior with great skill, leadership exp, influence in the Vale)

2. Sandor Clegane (Loyal, strong, and intimidating)

3. Areo Hotah (Loyal and obedient, skilled warrior)

4. Garlan "The Gallant" Tyrell (Very skilled sword by reputation, influence in the Reach)

5. Barristan the Bold (very skilled Swordsman, and very honorable, great rep. but getting old)

6. Brynden "Blackfish" Tully (See Barristan, influence in the Vale and Riverlands)

7. Cortnay Penrose (Loyal, Honorable, and noted as a competent battle commander)

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