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[ADwD, MK SPOILERS] Where are the dragon Eggs?

Early Earl

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God knows I'm no expert. But a few things stick out at me when I start hearing things like dragons hiding and eggs being destroyed at Summerhall. First, I know I've only read the series a few times but it seems to me that the last thing that a dragon would know how to do is hide. Second, from what little we know about dragon eggs, one thing is certain, these aren't delicate things. If magic and wildfire can't do the trick, I don't think they'll crack under pressure. Also, while the braavosi may have a problem with dragons, the faceless men don't. Their job is death, not hate. And let's not forget, the only reason why the braavosi hate dragons so much is because they were a culture founded on escaped slaves fleeing from the slavers of the dragonlords of Valyria. Now you have a Targaryen with dragons that is trying to free slaves. Until Braavos joins the fight, I refuse to believe that they will oppose Daenerys.

Anyway, that's my bored rant. Til next time

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