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I looked for you… - who sent the Kingsguard to the Tower of Joy

Humphrey Plantagenet

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I think it's possible that BOTH Rhaegar and Aerys gave orders to the 3 KG concerning Lyanna. Unbeknownst to Aerys, Rhaegar ordered them to protect his wife/lover and unborn child. Aerys ordered them to guard a valuable hostage. It would be convenient for Rhaegar if his loyal KG were at the ToJ without Aerys suspecting that it was exactly what Rhaegar wanted if he plotted a coup d'état... Kill two birds with one stone; protect Lyanna and her child and keep them from having to break their oaths by siding with the prince over the king (they'd be doing their sworn duty while the change of regime was going down in Kings Landing after the presumed end of the rebellion).

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I hope we get answers to this. What'd suck is if these mysteries of the parents' generation are supposed to remain mysterious and not ever get answered, because the reader is lumped in with the younger generation of characters who don't have access to this info, and everyone who could have told them is dying off. That's why we've gotta do what we can to keep that old guy alive who's serving as Daenerys' queensguard. He'll spill the beans eventually if he doesn't first spill his blood. So we've got to read the next book in a way that keeps him safe, and we can't let his tongue get cut off or anything like that, no disease for him neither. (Also, weren't they just asking for heartbreak by naming a place The Tower of Joy?)

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