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Has anyone ever had a SoIaF dream?

Saci Targaryen

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....I was Arthur's (Dayne) bastard daughter and because of that I was send at the Wall, where I met Jon( :leer:)and Sam and Ygritte throw me of the Wall but then I started to fly.

Was there a three eyed crow. Maybe BR is sent you this dream. :lol:

I only had one aSOIAF dream back when I was reading the books for the first time. I was so hooked up that I was reading every free second I had. Then one night after I went to bed I dreamed that I was reading aSOIAF I don't remember what was written though. :frown5:

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I actually had the most messed up dream last night that I wrote everything I remembered down when I woke up.

I was fighting a battle in what seemed like the whispering wood in season 1 of GOT but for some reason it was Stannis vs Robb. Instead of normal weapons we were fighting with what looked like larger versions of lego swords. Even though the swords could not fully puncture flesh, a well placed stab still would somehow kill a man.

We won the battle and then set up camp. Rattleshit was a member of Stannis' kingsguard and was teaching everyone how to make their own bone armour. After sometime, David Benioff and DB Weiss came to the camp to tell us that not only were we forbidden to wear bone armour, but that we were not allowed to wear our normal armour either. We were now required to wear this sheet of photo-paper as long and wide as a person with a picture of armour on the front. D and D said that we had to do this because viewers of the show could not distinguish between shoulder armour and thigh armour (WTH?). Everyone in the camp just said that it was because they wanted to cut corners with the budget.

The next day we took a train back to Storms End. As we were travelling over a glacier like structure with many crevices, a boy that had been travelling with us fell out of a window. The train stopped and Arthur Dayne quickly jumped out of the window to scale down the crevice and rescue the boy. Unfortunately, they had taken a long amount of time and another train would soon be approaching from behind. So I went out the window to rescue the boy and Dayne.

Once I was all the way down the crevice I saw the boy crying and Arthur Dayne unconcious with Dawn in a case lying beside him. I quickly took the boy back up to the train and returned for Arthur. After I had brought Dayne back to the train I knew that I needed to go back to retrieve Dawn, so I did. For my efforts, Stannis granted me a lordship and Arthur Dayne gifted me Dawn.

When we were back at Storms End, I decided to go to a local flea market. While I was there I got bored and decided to open the case that held Dawn. To my surprise, Dawn was actually a piece of grilled chicken breast and not a sword at all. Dissapointed, I returned to Storms End.

At Storms End, I had dinner with Davos and a few other nobles; I ate Dawn at this point. After dinner, the group decided to play poker. Davos was doing horribly and after he was out, he left in a fury.

Then I woke up.

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