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Stannis, Aegon,Daenrerys and the throne

A Dance With Daario

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And only if you consider the Iron Throne as Targaryen property. Otherwise Robert Baratheon is the source, since every single Lord of the Seven Kingdoms swore fealty to him, creating a new dynasty.

Well, that throne was created by Aegon I. And some of those lords, for example the Darrys, undoubtedly did so with their fingers crossed behind their backs. King Robert observes to Lord Eddard that some lords still call him "usurper". I would suggest that the Baratheon's claim is shakier than you suggest (I mean Stannis' claim, of course.)

Stannis may gather enough support in the North to override the Greatjon led declaration of independence, and then again maybe not. The discovery that they have been fighting to rescue Jeyne Poole and not Arya Stark may not go down well. The arrival of Rickon may unsettle matters further. Stannis may say that Westeros is one, but what if the North persists in insisting that it be two? Oaths sworn to Robert may not transfer after all.

"It was the dragons we married", and those are not all dead after all. What if most Northern Lords decided that the price for accepting the Iron Throne again is Targaryen rule?

This is all a bit confused, I grant, but that is my point: the situation is confused, both as a matter of fact but also as a matter of legitimate claims.

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This is what I keep saying! I totally agree!

Why people keep insisting that aegon and dany are the rightful rulers are idiots!

Everyone, targs lost the irone throne through conquest of the baratheons, they have no claim unless they conquer westeros again like aegon 1st did.

Can we get this through to everyone please!

Except that most Northern lords have repudiated any Baratheon claim. None of them, save maybe the Boltons have sworn to Tommen and none have sworn to Stannis. Contrarywise if the dragons are not all dead, they may accept one of those, if they could only decide which one :)

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  • 1 year later...

Exactly. Yet people do know....and more importantly no one cares. If the realm knew that Stannis was a kinslayer through blood magic he would be executed. yet there is no way to prove it....so the point is irrelevant.

Stannis is no kinslayer.

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