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Stannis-not so honourable at all.


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In books perhaps not, on this forum he is treated like a Messiah by his worshippers.

Whereas we like honour, we don't see at as necessary in our one true king.

Who needs honour when you've got someone who's completely fair and doesn't break the law or allow others to?

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Before this thread is locked, I want to point out why I think eeveryone says Stannis supporters are "fanboys". We end up in these long conversations about what it means to be king, if the line of succession is any relevance or if it's merely might makes right right(it's a little of both), that sort of thing. These are the very thoughts and discussions that his character is supposed to inspire.

It also doesn't help that his detractors constantly change the subject, as is not unusual for arguing on the internet, but no less frustrating. Is he honorable? Well let's bring up Rob being a usurper when it is not relevant,just bcause we sympathizero with Robb. Bring up what happeneffect to Ned, as if that's Stannis' fault. Bring up his military record (good other bad), question his plan, bring up the Targs still living, even though they lost the throne, it's very frustrating.

This thread was fun, see you at the next one.

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