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Coldhands is Bittersteel


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I believe that both Bloodraven and Coldhands are both the three eyed crow, one entity so to speak.

1 eye + 2 eyes = 3 eyed crow?

Interesting theory, but we still need to explain the "How many eyes does Lord Bloodraven have?" "A thousand eyes, and one."

So we're still missing 998 eyes (?) :lol:


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"Coldhands stood beside the door, a raven on his arm, both staring at the fire. Reflections from the flames glittered off four black eyes." (Bran I, ADwD)

Well, maybe there is a better quote somewhere else in the text, I just could't find it that fast.

And the Wiki also mentions his black eyes. http://awoiaf.wester...x.php/Coldhands

I'm still thinking that BR in a one eyed way... could Bran be seeing both Coldhands and Bloodraven together (via crow_warging) staring into the flames ,thus seeing the Three-Eyed Crow, if BR and CH are indeed one in the same.

Just a thought. Also I really would like to add I'm addicted to this website. After browsing so long through forum after forum I think I made a great decision joining this community since all my friends just watch the show and I can finally speculate what's what with fellow readers.

Sorry for the rambling

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