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What if Bran ends up warging Jon?

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This is pretty crackpot, I realize, but obviously Jon is going to be resurrected somehow and it's going to be a little crazy no matter how they do it. So, say Jon jumps into Ghost at the last minute like everyone's been suggesting- but can he really jump back into his own body? What if Bran uses his powers to warg into Jon's body? It seems (based on the few descriptions we've had) that you can't really warg a human because they'll go crazy from being "occupied"- what if, given their closeness- somehow they can both sort of co-exist in Jon's body? It already seems as though warging involves a kind of cohabitation rather than total takeover of the body, which is why it never works for humans- except someone like Hodor, who isn't all there mentally, or say a DEAD BODY whose "life" is still tied to it (in Ghost). OR (I know this is totally crazy, but at this point what is there to do but make insane suggestions for future events?) Jon wargs into Ghost, Bran wargs into Jon, and they work together in the way that the Stark brothers have always been tied to their wolves?

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I am still a fan of the crackpot that the scene we saw of Jon dying was Bran watching Jon out of time. Then Bran will warg something else. The Boar, Wun Wun, ect and save Jon. Green seers see everything in the future or the past.

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