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[Book Spoilers] Boltons and the Stark boy's


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Now that we "know" that who Ramsy is and that Theon has confessed that the Stark boys are NOT dead. First is it known/believed that Ramsey told his Father?

Next if he did tell Roose, did Roose offer the information to Tywin?

If Tywin knows how would that impact his Sansa/Tyrion heir?

all thought and comment please. It's driving me crazy

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Roose's scene with Walder Frey implies that he is being regularly updated on Ramsay's activities, though whether or not this is via Ramsay himself is less clear. If he is, then it can be assumed he knows what Theon told him at "Deepwood Motte" (lulz) about the Stark boys. If someone at the Dreadfort is simply keeping tabs on Ramsay for Roose, then the chances are he does not.

Show!Ramsay seems to have something of an admiration for his father at this stage though, judging by what little references he made to him, so it may be that their relationship is less frayed (or should I say flayed?) and fraught than it is in the books.

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What does it matter? The situation is essentially the same as it is in the books, that they know Bran and Rickon have escaped rather than been killed,

just as they know the Arya they got from King's Landing is fake...

As long as the Stark boys are believed to be dead, Sansa is the heir, and quite frankly even if the boys resurfaced, it wouldn't change the fact that Tyrion has the support of the Iron Throne. Using a Stark child is just a technicality to appease the northeners to avoid having to put down another rebellion.

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