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I hate to ask this...


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Read the books before watching the series, and when I read it I was in complete shock. The RW is gruesome, but if you see it from the Lannister perspective, I can understand why they did it. And well, it did end the war (sort of) and saved lives, so in the great perspective maybe it wasn't so bad... But I didn't care very much for Robb in the series either, might have something to do with it. Talisa and Catelyns deaths were worse, especially Talisas... :stunned:

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Lots of fans look back on Ned,Robb (and other fallen heroic figures) and try to pretend that they were doomed from the start and it was pointless to root for them in the first place. Well, as much as it's possible to understand why certain amoral or evil characters succeed, you're buying into their worldview of evil = "efficiency" to think this way. Ned and Robb are still heroes.

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