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Looking ahead: Best Buy covers etc.


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So a topic floating around my house lately is which two covers Best Buy will be offering up in the future - not just Season 3, but where they'll go from there.

Our best guesses for Season 3 go to Tyrell and Tully cover options, (though throwing in one for the Freys would be so shocking I'd probably have to break down and buy it, just out of respect for the ballsiness of the option...)

Season 4 guesses go to Martell (almost certain) and possibly the stag in the flaming heart ...? Sooner or later they'll be running out of the major houses to choose from and may have to rely either on smaller houses or symbology from across the narrow sea. (Any other ideas?)

Season 5 is obviously very speculative still, but hoping that they include a healthy bit of AFFC I'm holding out for the dream that we may be blessed with a Tarth cover... only time will tell...

What do you think? Does anybody get both offerings from Best Buy just ot be thorough? Or is there something better out there I haven't found yet? We have Stark season 1 and Lannister season 2, though both times I was tempted to get both :)

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HBO opened up a vote for the Season 3 covers. There's three different choices, each containing three different covers.They are:

- Season 3 poster heads of Tyrion, Jon and Dany (some of the worst photoshop jobs I've ever seen, cringe every time I see them)

- The classics in Stark, Lannister, and Targaryen sigils

- Tyrell, Tully, and Stannis' flaming Baratheon sigil

I wish they would release the Stark direwolf in blood, like those "The North Remembers" posters.

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Since we're purely speculating on the future here, if I had my way, this is what each set of covers would be (and which I would own in bold)

Season 1 (AGOT): Stark/Targaryen

Season 2 (ACOK): Greyjoy/Lannister

Season 3 (ASOS): Stark/Lannister/Targaryen (since this is the set that will unfortunately win)

Season 4 (ASOS): Arryn

Season 5 (AFFCADWD): Martell

Season 6 (AFFCADWDTWOW): Bolton

Season 7/8: Depending on which season each are important in, I'd be down for a Blackfyre cover for Faegon and a Reed cover for when Reed gives his big revelation. Assuming that happens.

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