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Tyrion & Cersie last POV Chapters in ADwD's


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I just finished reading these chapters and my first thought was what a waste of time. Battles could have been told. instead Tyrion spends his entire chapter getting fitted for armour and Cersie spends the entire time walking through the city naked.

Thinking back, what was Marting trying to tell us? Tyrion getting fitted for weapons and armour and Cersie walking naked? Was this a transition of power?

I think it had been mantioned in another post, but I also found it interesting that Tyrion worked at Casterly Rock cleaning the sewers, then later on makes this comment "Brown Ben "You can prance about all you like in gold and crimson. Till then....I shall live beneath a rock and never make a sound. You have my word on that." Tyrion of House Lannister. I think Tyrion is making plans to take Casterly Rock

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Cersei's Walk of Shame had parallels with Jesus' walk to his crucifixion. It's odd that Martin out of all his characters uses Christ like imagery for Cersei. Very odd and I ma not sure what to make of it.

I am sure Tyrion does plan to take the Rock and gain revenge on his family, but whether he can bring himself to bring House Lannister to ruin is a different thing.

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Both AFFC and ADWD were plot building books. A whole lot of setup so the poo can hit the fan over the last two books. We got a lot of exposition, and the payoff is coming. There are 3-4 major battles on the cusp of happening early on in book 6.

Stannis vs Bolton

Mereen (and the unsuspscted Iron Fleet) vs Yunkish Alliance

Wildlings loyal to The Jon and loyal NW vs Bowen Marsh Conspiracy

Aegon's forces storming Storms End

Not to mention the faith militant and the Tyrell's could very easily escalate quickly. Cersei's trial by combat, TBWB have a spy in Riverrun, and we are about to have a Jaime/Stoneheart showdown. The Regent was just assassinated along with the grand maester. There is a lot about to happen all at once.

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