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who is better off now...


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if you come to think about it...most of the characters are doing a hell of a lot worse then they were a couple days before the start of GoT...not taking into account potential to succeed (because we all know how that goes in this series) who is better off today (socially/politically/economically/ or just all around quality of life/happiness) then they were at the start of the series...small list of names!

littlefinger- obviously winning in this department so far

dany went from little girl with abusive asshole brother to queen of a city state with some super sweet pets...granted shes stuck in a field with a kalasar right there, but odds says she'll be able to fly her way back to her kingdom

mace tyrell went from high lord to hand (and now probably) regent of the 7 kingdoms (arrow is prob. trending way down but so far he's done alright for himself)

aegon- from blue haired kid in hiding to commander with a few castles and serious contender for the IT (could say joncon too...but the entire fatal disease thing kinda throws that notion away)

euron went from being outcast to king of the iron islands...not too shabby

ramsay- went from evil psychopathic bastard to legitimized evil psychotic bastard with potentially lands to inherit...arrow better be trending down! but so far so good

roose bolton/ a handful of freys are doing okay

selmy- finally gets his dream of serving a non insane/ drunk, incompetent / spoiled little evil asshole child king

...I forgot bronn! from random sellsword to knight/minor lord

varys has a lot of upside but he's still technically in hiding...so no go

jon-remains to be seen, if hes brought back to/still alive went from wanna-be nights watch bastard to lord commander, pretty solid...but no go as he's kinda lying face down in the snow with a few minor cuts

doran- a lot of upside but the dead relatives thing kinda throws him off this list

bran- picked up some sweet powers and wisdom...but again the crippled/murdered family thing makes it a no go

stannis- all in on a wild hand of hold'em that started with a 7,2 offsuit in the iron thrones sit and go tourney...still godda see the river tho!

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Arya (I know that the circumstances in which she was brought to the House of Black and White are pretty much tragic, but I think she's better off at the temple than married to some lord)

The Hound (finally has some peace)

Samwell Tarly (something similar with Dany, from scared little boy to Samwell the Slayer)

Missandei (a former slave, now servant of the queen)

Bran (trained as a greenseer)

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