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I thing that puzzles me when reading A Feast for Crows, is how little people care about the valyrian steel sword Brienne got from Jaime, Oathkeeper. Isn't valyrian steel swords extremely rare and costly? Oathkeeper especially, inlaid with rubies and gold, if I remember correctly, should draw a lot of attention. Shouldn't, for example, Randyll Tarly question how she was equipped with one of the finest weapons in Westeros? In general, how much is a VS sword worth? Hundreds of dragons? Thousands? Tens of thousands?

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She unsheath's it about 2-3 times in total and also in front of people who really wouldn't recognize such a blade.

Tywin couldn't buy a VS blade after the family sword was lost,So to most people it isn't something that can be sold.

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Well, Randyll did see it, or at least hear of it from the knight who followed her and Podric, since he said something like "you didn't slay those men, the valyrian steel did"

I just thought it strange that neither him nor the knight nor the bloody muummers asked about it. (only two thirds through the book, so don't know if it's in use any more)

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Oathkeeper was made by the melted down Ice, right? Well, since Ice was such a big thing for the Starks, maybe theres some hidden magic in that sword as well. You never know with GRRM.

I was thinking the same thing and maybe the Sword is trying to get back to its rightful owners. Oathkeeper was one of two swords made from ICE. The smith said he could not get out the red ripples etc.. Tywin could never buy a VS from any house because Tyrion stated that the houses even poor ones their VS were worth more than any amount of gold. So Tywin thought to get vengeance on Stark was to break down ICE and give his grandson and son VS. Since it was broken down into two swords, i do not think anyone but a Stark would know it was made from ICE.

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