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The wrong idea about Valyrian steel


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Again, I'd go back to the point I made earlier in the thread, It's possibly easier to find missing swords than attempt to create new ones. But where are they hidden?

If there is a hidden cache of Valyrian Steel weapons then there is likely no one alive who knows about it.

I say the above with confidence because that material is rare enough that weapons made from it are very treasured.

I'll have to reread some chapters again but as I recall when Widow's Wail was given as a gift to Joffrey, I'm pretty sure that the PoV chapter in which it happened recalled that Tywin was a little peeved when other families refused to sell the Lannisters any of their Valyrian steel swords. And those families weren't rich by any measure either, but they'd rather be cash poor and in possession of a Valyrian blade.

I could be misremembering though.

Yeah I was agreeing with you.

My apologies then

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It pretty clearly has to be magical, although exactly how it compares to normal or Damascus steel has not been explored yet. If it were a typical fantasy metal, it would be stronger, lighter, and tougher by at least a small factor than any real material likely to be invented in the next five centuries.

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Really interesting OP, I am not sure your theory can be dismissed so easily. It makes sense that it would be a case of "Oh we can't figure out how to make this, well it's probably magic after all they are Valyrian".

Except that when Aegon came over and conquered Westeros magic wasn't uncommon in Valyria. And the crafting of that material was possible since (if dragons' breath is instrumental in the creation of Valyrian Steel) dragons were available.

Assuming that the previously mentioned hypothesis that dragons were involved in the creation of Valyrian Steel actually is true.

If Valyrian Steel was just a matter of exquisite craftsmanship then the people who have been able to work Valyrian Steel might very well have discovered how to make new Valyrian Steel after a long time spent researching the matter.... but they haven't. It's probably something that has been missing for a while... and it could be dragons.

It could be that the OP's theory but in my estimation it's just as likely if not more so that there is something involved in the creation of Valyrian Steel that can only be called "magic".

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