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Alternate outcome for the Kingslayer

Light a wight tonight

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Jaime, the King's Guardsman, killed the man he was supposed to be protecting, arguably the best thing he could have done under the circumstances, but still legally one of the most serious crimes he could have committed. Robert basically absolved him of guilt and retained him as a Guard. But what if Robert hadn't?

Given a choice between the headsman's axe and the Wall let's say that Jaime exchanges his white cloak for a black one. This takes him out of Cersei's orbit right away. It also keeps him out of the Lannister line of succession, which can't please Tywin, who'd like to have his "good" son as his heir. But let's say that Tywin wants to graft the Lannister line to the Throne so he marries Cersei to Robert anyway. Does Cersei produce real black-haired Baratheon babies instead of pure Lannister ones? Or does she cuckold Robert anyway, with party or parties not yet revealed?

And at the Wall, does Jaime start growing his own personality now that he's no longer under Cersei's dominating influence? He'd be a great replacement for Alliser Thorne as chief of training and probably the best bet as Lord Commander when Moront dies.

OK, it's not GRRM's story, but without new books we're stuck with topics like could Ser Dontos beat Hot Pie in a fair fight.

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The wall would have been the best option, I think.

Robert no doubt caved in to John Arryn's assertion that the Lannisters allegiance was necessary. Part of this was marrying Cersei, but the other part was not punishing Tywin for the sack of King's Landing and murder or Elia and her children, as well as not punishing for oathbreaking.

Jaime got not even a slap on the wrist - he was not executed, nor sent to the Wall (which would be quite reasonable), nor even thrown out of the Kingsguard (which Robert had the power to do, breaking with a Targaryen tradition of service for life). He got to guard the next king as if it never happened which is an appallingly bad idea.

If Jaime had been sent to the wall it would make sense - nobody would want him to die for killing the mad king (not even Eddard I suspect), since one does not want oathbreakers to get a pass.

As for what would go on afterwards, I'm not sure Cersei would stick around while her twin was thousands of leagues away.

Cersei would probably follow Jaime up north, and marry someone there to cuckold. Imagine Cersei as the wife of Jorah Mormont, har !

Jaime would go to the Shadow Tower, and visit her often at Bear Island - breaking his oath and fathering a bunch of "Mormont" children. Jorah still gets betrayed in the end, just sooner.

Or better yet, what if she marries a young Roose Bolton ? (Seven hells !)

If Cersei did stay at King's Landing, and marry Robert, they would be just as miserable, but she'd have to cuckold him by some other means. I'm pretty sure she'd find a way, because it is in her nature.

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If Cersei did stay at King's Landing, and marry Robert, they would be just as miserable, but she'd have to cuckold him by some other means. I'm pretty sure she'd find a way, because it is in her nature.

I think she was determined to make Robert's life a living hell for killing her dream man Rhaegar.
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I don't know - Jaime was an angry young man and the Wall a miserable and apparently largely useless place (given ignorance of the Others). I think he would have resisted any such punishment and as a last report would have tried to get Cersei to run away to Essos with him.

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Jaime being able to guard the next king was impracticle to a fault the wall would have been the best thing for him, or the edge of ice's blade delivered by Ned stark. Jaime on the wall would have resolved a lot of issues, for him personally. However Cersie would still have the same problems.

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That's a really messy situation. I could actually see Jaime taking an execution over the Wall, but even barring that, it would create massive problems with Tywin. He broke from Aerys simply for putting Jaime into the Kingsguard (yes, it denied him his heir, I know it was a bit more than that), actually killing or banishing Jaime would have to piss him off more. I'm not saying open warfare or anything, but it probably changes the entire situation. It is a very interesting what if, though. Here's another one...how about if Robert does pardon him, but also kicks him out of the Kingsguard? That puts Jaime back in position of being heir to Casterly Rock, which might take him away from Kings Landing anyway (if he'll even allow it), but the Robert/Cersei marriage likely still happens (Hell, Tywin would probably thank Robert for kicking Jaime out).

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