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Is Patchface really...

Dance Layder

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There is but one God and his name is Death,

Patchface was probably just adrift drank the seawater,(Salt water), and near hypothermia and got some brain damage, I don't see him being and undead or a major part of anyones story line other than showing her childlike nature and when she abandons him to be an adult

Brain damage can take many forms, to my knowledge. I have mild cerebral palsy, and my condition is an example. Other causes are strokes, neurodegenative disorders of the brain, and of course oxygen deprivation, like what Patchface's case clearly is.

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I remember Mel mentions seeing Patch in her fires and he has skulls all around him and sometimes his lips painted with blood.

I don't know if I think he is undead, I'd tend to say he isn't. It is indeed normal for someone who has spent some time in seawater to be white-wrinkled-clammy. And of course deprivation of oxygen would definitely explain his lack of wits.

However, there is something more about Patchface:

  • he says prophetic rhymes (at least he did when he predicted the Red Wedding)
  • he says he saw people under the sea and when Cotter Pyke (IIRC) is sent to rescue the Wildlings at Hardhome, he mentions there are "things in the sea".

So it is highly probably that mad Patchface was rejected on the shore by some creature and kept some memories and gained some prophetic capacities from the adventures.

I do believe there is something going on under the sea, as I fail to see why we would be give ice creatures (the Others), earth creatures (COTF/Weirwoods), fire creatures (Dragons/firewyrms) but nothing should live under the sea

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