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Does anyone else call George RR the GRRM Reaper?

Dance Layder

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What's the point of good guys/likable protagonists if they always lose/die for any little thing? What's the point of getting attached and involved in the story if the bad guys always win?

Always? Are you certain on this one? You are way too negative, bad guys have lost many times and we are still far from end, who has the final laugh matters the most.

What's the point of good guy if he dies? Lot of points: to make the bad guy look more bad, to make the society look more bad, to make the plot more interesting, simply to make you feel something (this is usually more poetry thing, but happens in prose as well), etc.

It's different with villains, because those you want to see dead. If we get what we want too soon, the rest of the story becomes meh

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If 'bad guys' always won, Janos Slynt would be LC and kill Jon Snow. Dany would be dead and her brother would have an army. Puddles would live and Sam would've died a virgin. Joffrey would be King and Sansa his reek.

So no. Bad guys aren't always winning.

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