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TWOW Theories: Religious/Elemental Clashes

Ben Beilman

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This is my first post and its mostly a bunch of jumbled thoughts regarding future battles in TWOW and possibly ADOS. However, it requires an accurate introduction to show you my line of thought so i will start with the events in King's Landing and the religious following of the Seven. The cliffhanger of events in KL has led us up to Cersei's trial. Pycelle and Kevan Lannister are dead, Robert Strong must battle an unknown champion of the faith...this is a pivotal events for the theo/political structure of KL. If the faith wins this trial, they will effectively have rule of KL, the Tyrelles are sick and tired of bickering at court and will be stretched thin on a two front war once Euron begins reaving the Reach/Westerlands. Thus leading to a theorized theological revolution in the heart of Westeros, whether it will turn into religious zealotry or a fount of fortitude to make it through the Long Night remains to be seen.

Jump back to Winterfell, Stannis prepares for war against the factious 'northern' host. The winds are hard and Stannis needs an edge in this battle. Will he betray Rh'llor and make an offering of Theon to the Old Gods of the north? If so, what possible consequences could there be for this act and will it correlate with Bran or the resurrection of Jon Snow? I believe this event could represent a possible end for Stannis...the breaking of the iron. This sacrifice will aid Stannis in the battle possibly through Bran while at the same time Melisandres sacrifices herself to save Jon Snow. This could symbolize a possible shift of religious influence in the north. Without Melisandre, and the recent incursion of wildlings, the old gods would take hold in the north once again. Melisandre/Stannis are meant to be the false prophets, making Jon Snow Azor Ahai. Ice takes over Westeros

Heading across the narrow sea we see the growing fire, the mother of dragons and the true followers of fire. Daenerys Targaryen is poised to make her final blossom and begin her journey home. GRRM is clearly painting Daenerys' faction as that of fire, one that will burn its way back to Westeros with fire and blood, whether Aegon VI will add to or attempt to douse this fire remains to be seen. Either way I believe when Daenerys makes her way back to Westeros there will be a religious fervor of R'hllor following her. The presence of Victarion and his ironborn will lead to an epic naval battle on Daenerys' troops and Euron's. He is the last storm and will be the peak of Daenerys' journey back to Westeros. As I said before with Aegon, her landing can be an entirely different situation.

The Seven are meant to represent humanity and they will be right in the middle of the battle of fire and ice. It is possible the followers of the seven may take on Aegon as their leader in King's landing or he may take it by force but he will most likely be the last thorn in Daenerys' side before the final battle of fire and ice. I know this was a bit broad but hopefully it will get the ball rolling and some interesting feedback.

Thank you to everyone who took the time to read this, i appreciate your enthusiasm for the series.

Still waiting,

Ben B

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