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Ned Stark's Indifference


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After executing the NW deserter in AGoT, why doesn't Eddard Stark say something to Theon after kicking the corpse's head? Surely someone of Eddard's character would have done something.

I think Ned might simply be really uncomfortable around Theon... having seen him grow under his eyes, while also being duty-bound to execute him should Balon arise and all...

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Because Ned kept himself at a distance to Theon and essentially Theon was a grown man anyway. Deserting the Nights Watch is a death sentence, and the guy was quite probably a criminal before joining the Nights Watch. I can see Ned obviously not being the kind of person who would look kindly on kicking the decapitated heads of criminals, but why bother telling off a grown man for doing so when you've spent the last ten years distancing yourself from him?

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