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Word by Word Story - Volume 25

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Volume 25:

Darth was not aware of diabetes. He decided to divorce Sansa, because her shenanigans wounded his dignity somewhat. Hard feelings were overpowering him and his household. This caused Sansa to hire Cersei as a cutpurse for the swindling which claimed many souls. Archibald mused on the idea of playing a Monopoly Chance card against Lin, who felt cheated by Yomi because he had recently fondled his nostrils while staring at Sansa. Enraged, Lin called Archibald, and slobbered all over herself, causing rejoicing among she-goats everywhere. Suddenly Archibald turned clockwise and leaped over Lin, and dashed seductively against Shylock, who solved a Sudoku within a nanosecond. Lin shivered when she caught sight of Tormund's member and climaxed. Zombie Jesus rose erect and throbbing, ready to rumble. 'INFIDELS!' shouted Darth. Zombie Jesus approved of the naked arrangement of obese flamingos and groped statues. Sansa summoned ancient pterodactyls to emancipate beetles from Mongolian horses. Somehow, they circumnavigated the city in just two parsecs. Darth checked his closet. Inside was latex lingerie. Intrigued, he slipped into the lingerie, but it didn't accept his robotic leg. Outraged, Darth sprang towards the abyss, and glided downwards. Frightened, Darth wept copious tears. He seemed to struggle with allergies to gravity, causing a bone-crushing crash. All his innards splattered. But those damned innards somehow didn't keep Darth safe or satisfied. They floated seductively around his midriff, making him turn around nervously. Turnips grew covertly above the testes. Darth roared at Zombie Jesus, affronted by Sansa's teeth. She whistled, calling chaos to rise inside while they continued to yearn for pillows, stuffed with mousse. Archibald flew to Valyria, to save the Gremlins from Zombie Jesus. Screaming, Queen-Goddes Sansa threw giblets at Mr. Miyagi, who caught them with his toes. Sansa was shocked, and promptly eviscerated sheeps. Darth left heaven, returning by taxi to earth, so his slippers could be given a new dishwasher smell. Afterwards, Darth grew several carbuncles to control the army of chicken droids. Sansa bewitched the drunken flamingos, who laughed at cheddar sticks. Zombie Jesus resurrected Ned with his brain. Ned smote his legs, becoming Azor Ahai. "Look at the bunnies and fly!" cried Zombie Jesus. Ned gazed wistfully, but Sansa blocked cock. However, Darth wasn't satisfied. It seemed at first to glow but before long the urgency exploded with fervor above Valyria, permeating all

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