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What does illyrio even want?


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Illyrio is obviously very intrested in westerosi politics, but i dont understand why though, what is he going to gain from a targ on the iron throne?

Money? he has enough, and probably lost alot buying the golden company for aegon and giving the dragon eggs to dany.

A position on the small council? I doubt that aegon can afford to give him one he wants, without angering the lords of westeros.

Help in the wars of the free cities? maybe, but if illyrio really was married to a blackfyre then im pretty sure the gc would come to him for enough cash.

The only logical explanation is if the blackfyre theory is true.

Or he is doing it for the lols :lol:

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My take:

In Myr he was a prince of thieves, until a rival thief informed on him. In Pentos his accent marked him, and once he was known for a eunuch he was despised and beaten. Why he chose me to protect him I may never know, but we came to an arrangement. Varys spied on lesser thieves (destabilizing Aerys's reign/spying on Robert and the rebels) and took their takings (Aegon). I offered my help to their victims (Dany & Viserys), promising to recover their valuables (Targ Dynasty) for a fee (power/influence, especially through Aegon). Soon every man who had suffered a loss knew to come to me, whilst city’s footpads and cutpurses sought out Varys … half to slit his throat, the other half to sell him what they’d stolen. We both grew rich, and richer still when Varys trained his mice.

Aegon still could be the PWP in this case, of course, but to me it just seems like Varys and Illyrio are doing their same trick on a much larger scale.

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My take:

Aegon still could be the PWP in this case, of course, but to me it just seems like Varys and Illyrio are doing their same trick on a much larger scale.

but i still dont think he could reveal aegon as his son without losing westeros

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but i still dont think he could reveal aegon as his son without losing westeros

I don't think Aegon is his son. PWP= Pisswater Pince, aka some lowborn Varys figured he could pass as Aegon.

Or he's real, of course.

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I don't think Aegon is his son. PWP= Pisswater Pince, aka some lowborn Varys figured he could pass as Aegon.

I vaguely recall you being an Aegon believer at one point, right?

The Pisswater Prince version is even more hard to explain in terms of Varys and Illyrio's motivations.

I mean, lust for power/money is the most boring motivation ever.

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i personnaly like to believe he is real but dont really understand what illyrio would want with putting a targ on the throne unless he knows he is the PTWP and is trying to "fufill the prophecy" espicialy in a city state like pentos where you get ecxecuted for bad harvests

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I vaguely recall you being an Aegon believer at one point, right?

The Pisswater Prince version is even more hard to explain in terms of Varys and Illyrio's motivations.

I mean, lust for power/money is the most boring motivation ever.

A plausible motivation, however. And I wouldn't say I'm a believer (or was), though from a narrative standpoint Aegon being real is more satisfying than the other options, in my opinion. I also struggle to see how a BF reveal could ever even take place, though that doesn't rule it out.

Rather, I am a believer that the intrigue of Aegon lies in the uncertainty of his identity. How will the other Westerosi players react to him? Who will accept him? A very sick part of me hopes he dies without us ever knowing who his parents truly were.

I do staunchly assert that there is a lack of conclusive evidence in general on the boy. I even tried to take a vaguely scientific approach to the entire thing (my engineering background asserting itself) and broke down the evidence: http://asoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/topic/109569-aegon-vis-identity-compiling-the-evidence/

Since then, I've reread ACOK and realize that I was a bit too lenient with my HOTU defense if he's real. But we can take it back to the mummer's dragon debate, and weather the " 's " is a possessive or not, I suppose.

The BF evidence is so paper-thin though, at least for now. It's not to say that isn't what's really at play; George's publisher even mentioned that his reveal style is to give really subtle hints at first, then more obvious ones, then the reveal, so the sign at the tavern and the "male line is over" thing could just be phase 1 of that. But based on what we actually know, stuff like the Brightfyre theory reads like a crackpot to me. Crackpots can come true, obviously, this is no R+L.

Aaanyway, I'm kind of coming around on the narrative issues I have with the BF stuff, mostly because I read the first two D&E and am getting interested in that history. Within the context of ASOIAF, I think it would be a bit of a let down, but within the expanded universe it might work alright. Still, I take issue with how a "reveal" could work. Maybe it's just that I don't see Varys leaping up after Aegon's coronation and going, "Surprise, bitches! It's a Blackfyre!"

Oh one last thought on motivation: if Aegon is the PWP, then Varys putting a lowborn on the throne would be lovely. Like, the high-lords play their game of thrones and thousands bleed, and here he comes putting some commoner on the IT.

Edited for grammar. And look, I managed a response with only one parenthetical! I'm improving.

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Aaanyway, I'm kind of coming around on the narrative issues I have with the BF stuff, mostly because I read the first two D&E and am getting interested in that history. Within the context of ASOIAF, I think it would be a bit of a let down, but within the expanded universe it might work alright. Still, I take issue with how a "reveal" could work. Maybe it's just that I don't see Varys leaping up after Aegon's coronation and going "Surprise, bitches! It's a Blackfyre!"

I don't see that happening either.

I think that after five failed rebellions they're settling for a moral victory. The "rightful king" will be on the throne and having everyone thinking he's a Targaryan (even him) is the price they will pay.

I'm still of the opinion that the whole thing will fall apart as soon as all the Storm Lords, not to mention the Dornish and the people still loyal to the Barannisters, start asking perfectly reasonable questions.

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I think Illyrio loves Aegon. If Aegon isn't actually Illyrio's son, I think Illyrio thinks of Aegon as a surrogate for his lost son. Illyrio is hanging on to the boy's clothing, still mourning, and wanted very badly to see Aegon though it was risky and difficult.

So yeah, I'm sure Illyrio plans to gain power and wealth through Aegon, but I think the bigger motivation for him is being able to give a kingdom to Aegon. Even if he doesn't get public credit, setting up his own dynasty must be hugely alluring. And parents want everything for their children.

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