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[Book Spoilers] Dontos

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So, one thing thats been bugging me is the absence of Sansa's meetings in the godswood with Dontos.

I know screen time and budet is limited, but I thought this was an important part of the book as it leads to her escaping from KL in SoS.

Thinking on it now, I believe I heard that SoS will be split into 2 seasons, so I guess they could start the meetings next season, if they aren't gonna happen in this season.

Do you think they'll cut the meetings out completely, and just have LF sneaking Sansa out after Joffrey dies? If so, why introduce Ser Dontos in the first place? Any ideas?

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I suppose they don't really need to develop that close a relationship between Sansa and Dontos in the show.

Perhaps in the immediate aftermath of the Purple Wedding where everybody is fleeing from the feast hall, Dontos (in motley) will pull her to the side and say "Sansa, you saved me once, let me help you now" or something.

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There is no need to establish a long relationship. Sansa would probably trust the first person who promises to get her out of there - because she has not seen a friendly face for months.

Also, as these meetings had a drunk and rapey uncle vibe in the books, the show runners probably wouldn't want Ser Dontos to slobber over and grope the underage actress on the screen. Either way, I wouldn't count on this part of the books being shot true to canon.

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Why would they introduce him in the premiere and then forget about him? That's not how television works, if they show you a detail and linger on it like Dontos' drunk stumbling, it will have an effect later on. Plus it's an easy way to at least end one story line on a high note...

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