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The Dragon Demands

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Everything posted by The Dragon Demands

  1. Hey, given that the USA elections are coming up with national party conventions going on now, I dashed off an article on "Elections" (I thought there already was one). Just a quick treatment I wrote in one sitting, to get the ball rolling: https://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/Elections It needs artwork. I thought I remembered some artwork of the Night's Watch election but I can't find it.
  2. I don’t think any of this will happen in the books
  3. Has anyone been able to identify any specific new info in the World app update which just came out? I just got the update but can’t discern what’s new.
  4. I already made a page on “chimera” as Fire and blood is the first time that term was used. http://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/Chimera ....given that the only identification given for them by Barth is essentially to say that they were some KIND of chimera, it may make sense to go with that. Not that they are named “Chimeras” capital C - but that they are apparently a specific strain of chimera-creature. And thus list them off as a subsection on that page. I’ll try a write up.
  5. Going through my notes.... I want to make an article on....the things that killed Aerea Targaryen. What the heck do I title it? Were they, in fact, some form or larval stage of "Firewyrms"? Giving them a name imposes assumptions. This may be sensitive enough to ask GRRM if it's appropriate. Regardless....er….what title does Elio think we should use?
  6. Thank you for the added reference templates Rhaenys they are a great help.
  7. Ser, that was an extremely technical and obscure use of arcane and trivial knowledge about medieval society. (bows) I doff my hat in respect.
  8. Do turkeys exist in Westeros? Problematic, as they are a New World animal. At the Fire & Blood launch event last night, GRRM joked that he’s not sure what people in Westeros would have for Thanksgiving, as “turkeys don’t exist”. This made the rounds on Twitter reports, prompting many to point out Theon chasing a “turkey” in book one. Explanation?
  9. Yes, I was going to ask about a prominent December 20 warning too.
  10. Yeah...that makes sense. Summer Islander sugar barons? First you get the sugar, then you get the money, then you get the power...
  11. @Ran Question: I made an article on "Silk", because there's already a few on "substances" - that is, there was enough specific info about "Silk in the storyverse" to merit generating an article. Sheep are sheep, no need to define that. But I listed off all the citations that "Silk mostly comes from Yi Ti, often via Qarth" and also Naath. Etc. Just to point out "these are the regions that produce this substance and these are the ones that do not". ....thinking of other major cash crops....where does Westeros get Sugar from? Because we've seen people eating sugar confections in King's Landing, Renly's army camp (from Highgarden), and little sugar skull candies in Dorne. Now I looked it up, and in medieval times, honey was the most common sweetener in medieval Europe. They only started getting sugar cane after the Middle Ages, when it was produced in the Levant - but even then, the Arabs themselves got sugar cane from India. Which was always the heart and center of the industry. So...which are the big sugar-exporting regions?
  12. Great. I've attempted to update the Elephants and Old Blood pages accordingly: https://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/Elephants_(Volantis)
  13. Ahhhh...I forgot that just because merchants might not be able to RUN for triarch, doesn't prevent an Old Blood triarch from courting the merchant vote. That politicians might not actually be "from" the constituency they court. …..well, more simply, my question is: as a rule...are Elephant CANDIDATES, such as Trianna, always Old Blood? Would wealthy merchants NOT of the Old Blood of Valyria be forbidden from running even as Elephants?
  14. I was looking over the Volantis political party articles and hope we can get some clarification. https://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/Elephants_(Volantis) What is the distinction, if any, between "freeborn landholders" in Volantis, and those of the Old Blood, who can trace their ancestry back to Valyria? Do the Elephants differ from the Tigers on this? Quotes from A Dance With Dragons: The first quote actually seems to imply that "the Old Blood" consists ONLY of the Tigers (the pro-war faction), while "the merchants and moneylenders" ARE SEPARATE from "The Old Blood" (the Elephant party, who advocate trade). The second quote, however, seems to indicate that while all "freeborn landholders" can VOTE, ONLY those of the Old Blood can run for triarchy - in EITHER party. And thus the Elephant candidates must by definition ALSO be "Old Blood" families, albeit those who favor trade. The two quotes contradict each other. So...are the Elephants Old Blood or not?
  15. Oh...thanks! …as you can see from the "Recent Changes" tab I started a round of updates on September 28: a few new ones like Alaric Stark, Jonquil Darke, and updating others (Jaehaerys I, White Harbor). ….however, the wiki slowed down until it ground to a halt and editing became physically impossible, so I had to stop. I suspect because the videos continue to play even in editing mode. Didn't have a chance to start updating a family tree template for Alaric - btw, if we know his wife was a Mormont and some description of her but not her first name, does she get her own article? And in what title format? ("Wife of Alaric Stark"? "Lady Mormont (Alaric Stark)"? What is the relationship between Alaric and Ellard Stark? I left the note in the article. Did Alaric..."supersede" Ellard, and "Ellard Stark" no longer exists as a character? And Alaric is the renamed Ellard? You've mentioned before there were issues regarding Ellard Stark and the chronology of which Stark ruled when that had to be updated due to new developments from GRRM (line got removed from World book as a result)
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