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  1. I’m shocked by the fan turnaround on this show. I mean, why now? What made season 8 (hate) so bad compared to prior seasons? If you go on rotten apples, each season from 1-7 ranges between a score of 91 thru 97. Season Eight currently has a 58. This implies a precipitous drop in quality - SPECIFICALLY within the last season - while all other seasons were supposedly great. Only... it wasn’t a precipitous drop. The show has been awful for years. Yet the majority of people didn’t complain then. So...why are they unreasonably complaining now? Season 7 was equally, if not worse than 8, yet S7 currently has a 93 score. WHERE THE HELL WERE THESE COMPLAINERS BEFORE? Maybe a few deserved complaints to the show runners from prior seasons would have been more productive than a silly petition now. To all the bandwagon complainers of this last season - shut up. Too little too late. You should have noticed the stooooopid before. 
  2. After a week, I may have been harsh when I implied S8E3 episode was better than S8E5. s8E3 is the worst thing ever on HB Edit: my “worst thing ever” comment may be tested by S8E6
  3. Compared to anything on TV right now? This episode was a 3 simply because of the darkness and the Arya out of nowhere scene. Compared to GoT season 1? Not even a 1. Compared to S8E5? 100
  4. Haggard is good word. I need to see again. One of the few good points of episode. edit: makeup is one of the good points of episode.
  5. Huh? You can’t be serious.
  6. Her hair was very unkempt prior to the battle. It was the clue That she was Mad Queen
  7. Honestly, tonight of all nights, we should not bicker at the choice of words for insults to the two HACKS
  8. Death of qyburn was only time I felt something aside from confusion and headache.
  9. Remember when this episode was as bad as it got? Summer child thoughts. Thanks D&D, you outdid yourselves!
  10. All of this for a girl that wiped dany’s ass?
  11. I thought it was great until the Jaime thing just took my nihilistic enjoyment away. Dany sucks btw
  12. Yet still D&D found a way to make it awful
  13. HACKS! Talentless millionaires. Why why why?
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