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Dissecting Names


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All of the characters from George's In the House of the Worm are named after different kinds of worms, and while researching them I found a whole category of parasitic roundworms called Baylisascaris   Petyr Baelish is a parasite

I am sure I have mentioned this before but varis means crow in Finnish, especially the Grey Crow, or the Hooded Crow.  (and veris means "truth" in latin)

varus is also a design in heraldry, it is a blue and white squirrel-skin cloak.  Varamyr got killed over a squirrel-skin cloak.  Also, Nimble Dick and Maester Coleman have squirrel skin cloaks.

qhorin = Corvis corone is the European Carrion Crow, and "havran" means crow in Czech.  corone havran = Qhorin Halfhand, and Qhorin sounds like "corn"

joj means crow in Mayan, pyat is a kind of crow (magpie) in Scottish, and Bran means crow in Welsh



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I think, for various reasons, that Serenei of Lys is Larra Rogare. And now I also found this - "rra serenei la" translated from Basque language means "I'll be back". And "larraserenei" in the same language means "to the most vulnerable". "Moredo" - Japanese - "protect", Moredo Rogare had Valyrian steel sword Truth, and he was Larra's bodyguard.

Could be, that Urrathon Nightwalker is Euron Greyjoy. Urrathon King from ancient history of Iron Islands was defeated by the sole surviving son of his predecessor. So the history repeats itself, and Euron will be defeated by Theon. And their names in combination "urra thon theon" from Gaelic mean "the throne of gold".

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