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Edmure's child

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Wouldn't this be a bit cruel to wish for the child, to have him grow up as a bastard? That Jon had to go through this experience I guess is something to be not something one should wish for. If so than this should apply in the case of another child.

The marriage was entered to under false pretenses, with the intent of disinheriting, then murdering the child's father.

Really the most important thing is that nobody descended from Walder Frey inherits Riverrun.

and this can be achieved through two known methods: bastardization (not certain, since that child could have issue who could press a claim if the political situation in 50 years changes) or becoming a Septon/Maester.

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Another long ass post. I apologize in advance.

If the baby is a boy and something happens to Emmon & co they would kill him as he would be a Tully not a Frey. They could then have another Frey take Riverrun as closest kin to Emmon. In fact they'd probably kill the child as soon as its born if it is a boy.

If the child is a girl she is much more valuable to them. They'll marry the girl to Emmon's heir and further secure the Frey hold on Riverlands in the eyes on their vassels.

As I said in my previous post the child is Tully 100% not Frey. It may gain some of Rosilin's looks but that doesn't make it half Frey in the eyes of the lords or the law.

In one of Jaime's POVs in AFFC, Jaime V, I believe, from a quick Google search, it is clearly stated that Roslin is praying the child will be a girl because Edmure will be killed if it's a boy. Genna wants Edmure killed because her children's claim to Riverrun will be more secure if the Tullys are extinct in the male line. She probably would want his child killed too, but Old Walder would probably want to keep two Frey feet in the Riverrun door.

It's also clear that in Westeros the mother's family identity is, and remains, very important. People think of Cersei Lannister, Genna Lannister, Selyse Florent, Olenna Redwyne. Joffrey quarters his coat of arms to show both the Baratheon stag and the Lannister lion and drapes his wife Margaery – who will always be thought of as Margaery Tyrell – in a Lannister cloak at their wedding. This is because the wife's family brings money, spears, connections, reputation and inheritance, since property can descend through the female line, see Harry the Heir. When the Westerosi regard Edmure and Roslin's child in the future, they will see the Red Wedding as its inheritance, its associated reputation as vile, and its connections even worse, because it's not only a Tully, it's also a Frey.

Westerosi children can be disinherited, even the heir presumptive. Randall Tarly got a head start on the process by giving Samwell the choice between death and the Wall; he chose the Wall and Dickon became the heir. Tywin told Tyrion that he would never have Casterly Rock; we don't learn how he planned to disinherit Tyrion, who was rightful heir because Jaime joined the Kingsguard, but if anyone could have found a way, Tywin would. Robb disinherited Sansa the traditional way, by will. Roslin's spawn could be barred from inheritance too.

And if anyone should take care of a divorced Roslin and her bastard child, it should be the remaining Freys. It was her damn family that created this mess, after all.

On consideration, I don't think Roslin and child will be murdered. I think the most GRRM solution to the problem is to have them die in childbirth – after all of Walder's scheming to steal Riverrun and hold hostages, all of Edmure's sacrifices to save the baby, and all of the dangers afoot in the Riverlands and the Twins, mother nature steps in and takes the pawns out of the game without dirtying any Stark hands, even undead ones. In a way, this is like having Tywin die in the privy; it wasn't the spectacular public end a super villain usually gets, but it was oh so right for the Lannisters.

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