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Arya a more powerful warg than Bran?

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it isnt really a question; more of a theory. Bran has had nothing to do besides sit alone in his head for so long and think and dream. hes got at least three outside people/forces trying to teach him how to be a warg. hes dreaming, his wolf is nudging hints at him left and right, and yet still he plays the wussy little boy whos in love with meera.

meanwhile, arya is out doing her own thing running from the law, murdering children and soldiers along the way while staying ahead just enough to eat her next worm filled meal. crossing lands and sea, escaping death and handing it out, lands in a mysterious temple where every sight sound and being around her is unknown. and yet during this intensive 'make you blind, all men must serve training' she has the ability to warg into an animal she hasnt seen in years across the sea and control it with seemingly utter ease. she also wargs into a cat no problem and fights off an attacker while viewing the scene from the cats eyes in the rafters.

to me, this screams natural ability. Bran is being babied and is crying about any little thing he can, while arya is out taking control of whatever she wants, in her spare time.

personally i hate bran. he is going to be evil because hes so influential and weak. i want him to be the great other because i want arya to stick needle through his whiny little puss. or jon to scorch his nuts of with lightbringer. i also like saying: nymeria! gloves!

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No, I don't think so. I think it's been made obvious that Bran is the strongest warg amongst the current generation of Stark children.

Arya is stubborn, badarse, refuses to let go of her identity, hence she still has wolf dreams, even when she's miles and seas away from Nymeria. I'm sure she's very powerful.

But Bran can warg into practically anything, even the weirwood trees which is pretty WOAH.

As for Bran turning evil and being a crybaby... I don't know about Bloodraven's full intentions so I can't really give you anything more than speculation on the former, but the latter... haha no. Bran became a cripple (which is a big deal in medieval society) when he was a little boy, and despite being called Bran the Broken and for all his resentment, he still did his duties even when his elders went to war and were killed. Like all the Stark children he survived countless horrors, the death and destruction of his family and physically tough journey beyond the Wall.

It's fully okay to not like a character and I would never judge you for it (I get a lot of hate for not liking Sansa, for example) but I think you're a bit too enthusiastic about your dislike.

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How does Arya being mentally tougher than Bran make her a better warg?

Moreover, how can you compare Arya's singular warging into a cat with what Bran's done? Bran can warg into and control a vast amount of things, including Hodor, who as a human is miles ahead of most animals in terms of difficulty. What Arya did was warg in, see through the eyes of the cat, warg out, and hit the Kindly Man based on what she saw. There was never any instance of direct control involved, which also holds true for her wolf dreams.

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it isnt really a question; more of a theory. Bran has had nothing to do besides sit alone in his head for so long and think and dream. hes got at least three outside people/forces trying to teach him how to be a warg. hes dreaming, his wolf is nudging hints at him left and right, and yet still he plays the wussy little boy whos in love with meera.

meanwhile, arya is out doing her own thing running from the law, murdering children and soldiers along the way while staying ahead just enough to eat her next worm filled meal. crossing lands and sea, escaping death and handing it out, lands in a mysterious temple where every sight sound and being around her is unknown. and yet during this intensive 'make you blind, all men must serve training' she has the ability to warg into an animal she hasnt seen in years across the sea and control it with seemingly utter ease. she also wargs into a cat no problem and fights off an attacker while viewing the scene from the cats eyes in the rafters.

to me, this screams natural ability. Bran is being babied and is crying about any little thing he can, while arya is out taking control of whatever she wants, in her spare time.

personally i hate bran. he is going to be evil because hes so influential and weak. i want him to be the great other because i want arya to stick needle through his whiny little puss. or jon to scorch his nuts of with lightbringer. i also like saying: nymeria! gloves!

How do you know this? Are you co-writing the book with GRRM?

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Bran is not weak. He's an eight year old who has-in the space of two years-had his dreams crushed, orphaned, lost his siblings, his home and his rights, all while coping with some insane old-magic revival that seems to centre round him. It's a wonder the boy's still sane and you're judging him for being sad?

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Bran is a cripple what do you really want the kid to do? And he just made a bad ass journey from Winterfell to way beyond the Wall and escaped Theon and Ramsey. If Arya were more powerful it would have been her that Jojen dreamed of and she would have had the 3 eye'd crow dreams. Bloodraven stayed alive for over 100 years for Bran.

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it isnt really a question; more of a theory. Bran has had nothing to do besides sit alone in his head for so long and think and dream. hes got at least three outside people/forces trying to teach him how to be a warg. hes dreaming, his wolf is nudging hints at him left and right, and yet still he plays the wussy little boy whos in love with meera.

meanwhile, arya is out doing her own thing running from the law, murdering children and soldiers along the way while staying ahead just enough to eat her next worm filled meal. crossing lands and sea, escaping death and handing it out, lands in a mysterious temple where every sight sound and being around her is unknown. and yet during this intensive 'make you blind, all men must serve training' she has the ability to warg into an animal she hasnt seen in years across the sea and control it with seemingly utter ease. she also wargs into a cat no problem and fights off an attacker while viewing the scene from the cats eyes in the rafters.

to me, this screams natural ability. Bran is being babied and is crying about any little thing he can, while arya is out taking control of whatever she wants, in her spare time.

personally i hate bran. he is going to be evil because hes so influential and weak. i want him to be the great other because i want arya to stick needle through his whiny little puss. or jon to scorch his nuts of with lightbringer. i also like saying: nymeria! gloves!

  • regarding Arya, I do think she is a powerful warg, and I also think Nymeria is sent by the old gods to protect, and marry in a symbolic, metaphysical, yet very literal sense. Nymeria's golden eyes denote her as receiving the mark from the CoF, or the weirwoods, or the old gods, or even BR. I also think Arya may control the water aspect of the same godhood as her brother. We have lots of evidence that speaks to this in the Arya / Water Motif thread, which I invite you to visit.
  • Did Arya kill a child?
  • I wondered, for she denied the Hound a quick, good death.
  • I feel great sympathy for Bran. I picture him living his dreams vicariously through the lives of others sitting in his weirwood throne. I imagine him playing multiple video games, or watching multiple television shows, one after the other, like he has a DVR or Hopper that can record multiple shows to guide him from the past, the present, and perhaps the future, which the past often foreshadows.
  • I cannot hate Bran, although I think that we may not like the merciless vengeance he delivers as part of the godhood. Just think of all he must punish for the violations against the laws of hospitality? No, we will not cozen to the vengeance of the old gods, for he may even, at first, misinterpret what he sees. He is still learning.
  • I eventually seeing Bran growing into a more gentle deliverer of justice, but we may not like his journey to benevolence.

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[bran < Arya]

You make a good point that Arya has achieved an extraordinary level of warging with no tuition and many distractions (though the blinding thing I actually think probably was an advantage there) while Bran had a lot of time and help. If it had been Arya who had been crippled and sent to Bloodraven while Bran would have been seperated from his wolf and fled to Braavos, it seems likely that she would have surpassed him. So yeah, she maybe had the better potential. However, as it is now, Bran has excercised, has been tutored by Bloodraven and most importantly has consumed the Jojen sacrifice. There's no way she would have any chance against him now.

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Bloodraven sought out Bran for the power he had as a greenseer... I feel like that should end the debate. Bran has seen CoTF and warged inside weirwood trees, seeing past events. I don't remember the number but doesn't Brynden or Jojen tell Bran that power such as his is found in 1 person in a 100,000? Again that number is fabricated from memory but the point is one of them makes a point to tell Bran how unique he is.

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I will just say that I am rotten at the time line, but IMO, Arya has been getting tutelage from the kindly man, waif, and others, for her harrowing journey to Braavos equaled or paralleled Bran's journey to the to beyond the Wall, and both of them learned a great deal.

I also think the drinks the kindly man gives Arya are not unlike the weirwood paste the Children feed to Bran. I think the magic used in the name of Him of Many Faces is helping to awaken Arya's warging spirit.

But I also tend to believe that she was destined for Braavos, with intermittent guides along the way sent by the old gods, or motivated by them, as Jojen has his green dreams and Howland sends him to WF to free the winged wolf.

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i like the heated responses, especially the one about me co-writing with GRRM. howd you know?

my point was that arya is a very powerful warg with absolutly no training. bran is powerful due to extensive training. yes he can warg a simple minded human even though its unnatural and sick and evil based on what me and GRRM have wrote, but hes being instructed on how to develop his powers to do just so. hes also been given some trippy blood laced (yes, i know its blood, the whole co-author thing again) drink/shake that helps him warg into the trees. but shes on her own and i feel has a lot more on her plate to distract her, rather than being hellbent on a mission to invoke those powers, and i felt that it makes her possibly more naturally powerful. i was simply bored and posted an idea. sorry to all the hodors out there who get upset at a little noise

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Arya isn't really a powerful warg though, she has no control whatsoever when she wargs, she just passively sees things, i.e. with the cat.

Just because you like Arya more doesn't mean she is better at everything.

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Bran is not weak. He's an eight year old who has-in the space of two years-had his dreams crushed, orphaned, lost his siblings, his home and his rights, all while coping with some insane old-magic revival that seems to centre round him. It's a wonder the boy's still sane and you're judging him for being sad?



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Thats where youre wrong, it actually does.

relax people! it was a topic created for discussion, not to hate. do not make me rue the day i raped your mothers

Well, the thing is, it cannot be a good discussion since you base your "theory" on how you feel about characters. A good discussion is based on arguments and not liking somebody is a preference not an argument. So that's why you're getting these responses.

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