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How the Boltons will endure.

The Red Pope

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I think Roose will end up on the Nights watch and Bolton's lands will be gifted to someone else. If Jon is a Targ and he is on good terms with Dany I can see Mance or Thormund take the land. If stannis is victorious then one of his men will get the land.

That douche Clayton Suggs would be even worse a lord than Roose. Just as cruel, tree times uglier and five times as stupid. He'd have a room full of ash from people he burned alive, insted of one with flayed skins.

I really hope he dies soon!

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I. Don't. Get.It. Unfortunately :(

I was looking for a clip on youtube, but I couldn't find the specific scene I was referencing which features the line "social suicide." :frown5:

Watch the movie Mean Girls, here's a trailer:

It may seem like a generic romcom, but trust me, it's easily one of the funniest movies ever. Complete with loads of history and math jokes as well, and a legitimate moral of the story that surpasses the moral of 90% of serious movies, let alone comedies. It's pretty much my definition of a perfect satire. WATCH IT. :P

Anyway, back on topic, I actually really like Roose Bolton. While Roose DID partake in the Red Wedding, I think it's clear that his only options at that point were loyality(and being destroyed by Tywin) or betrayal and surviving. Every other "bad" thing Roose has done was all either totally Ramsay's work, or Roose just trying to survive. I don't really even consider Roose a bad guy. Creepy? Yes. Evil? No.

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I was looking for a clip on youtube, but I couldn't find the specific scene I was referencing which features the line "social suicide." :frown5:

Watch the movie Mean Girls, here's a trailer:

It may seem like a generic romcom, but trust me, it's easily one of the funniest movies ever. Complete with loads of history and math jokes as well, and a legitimate moral of the story that surpasses the moral of 90% of serious movies, let alone comedies. It's pretty much my definition of a perfect satire. WATCH IT. :P

Anyway, back on topic, I actually really like Roose Bolton. While Roose DID partake in the Red Wedding, I think it's clear that his only options at that point were loyality(and being destroyed by Tywin) or betrayal and surviving. Every other "bad" thing Roose has done was all either totally Ramsay's work, or Roose just trying to survive. I don't really even consider Roose a bad guy. Creepy? Yes. Evil? No.

I will try to watch it. It's not the first time that it has been alluded in the boards

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The Boltons will die out.

Should Fat Walda survive with her baby, it is heir to nothing, and attainted from birth. To the wall or the citadel.

The seat is too lucrative to be destroyed outright, and too old to be abandoned.

House Thenn of the Dreadfort works well.

But the baby should not profit from the crimes of the father, and Roose definitely has crimes to answer for.

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If the gods/GRRM are good it will be a girl who can marry with the Starks and end the blood feud, but how often are the gods/GRRM good? If there is a male heir to a rebel lord, the laws and practices seem to state that he should inherit the name and seat of his father as was done to the Conningtons, Darrys and other Targaryen loyalists after the rebellion.

Nope. Tywin took away Riverrun from the Tullys. And Robert certainly didn't leave Viserys Dragonstone. If Stannis manages to subdue the North, he'll be within his rights to do whatever the fuck he wants with the losers. And considering Roose's, and especially Ramsay's, record, I don't expect anyone is going to feel especially lenient toward them.

If the baby is a girl, I am sure that she will be betrothed to Rickon when he is found since that would pacify the Bolton supporters and grant another seat for house Stark.

The latter could be easily accomplished by giving the Dreadfort to Rickon. The former would be done best with a noose and an axe, assuming there are any actual "Bolton supporters".

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Fat Walda's kids will be too young and lacking in parental guidance (even if Ramsay doesn't just kill them all) to be suitable heirs. "Boy lords are the bane of any house" after all.

Domeric is six feet under, and was too "nice" to be a worthy heir to the Dreadfort and Bolton name anyway.

Ramsay has the right attitude and outlook, but he's just plain sloppy and doesn't see the big picture. Wildly violent, no self-control. Not calculating enough to run House Bolton anywhere but into the ground.

We should realize, as Roose Bolton has already realized, that House Bolton's best chance to endure and have a future is Roose himself.

Hence the book he read, then burnt at Harrenhal. [CRACKPOTTERY INCOMING] He was researching sorcery and Blood Magic. His apparent indifference to the inevitable early death of every little Bolton Fat Walda pops out during that conversation with Theon stems from Roose's new plan to use their blood as a sacrifice. Only Death Can Pay For Life? Their deaths will pay for his life, extending it far beyond any natural span. One way or another, he will outlive Ramsay. He will outlive them all until a suitably "Boltonish" heir can finally be produced and raised to adulthood. Or, hey, why stop there? Keep going with the blood magic and hang on for centuries. Go into seclusion periodically, create the illusion of having "died", then reappear under the assumed identity of that surviving son and do it all over again. Roose plans to ensure House Bolton endures by his becoming a vampire...or near enough to one, at least, as to make no matter.

So hopefully Stannis hasn't used all his available wood to kindle the glory of the Lord Of Light. He just might need to sharpen some stakes in order to truly win this battle. :)

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` Roose and Ramsay Bolton will die in battle. The northmen will see to that.

As far as Fat Walda and the baby? The Starks already tried to subdue and keep a Bolton as a loyal bannerman. It didn't quite turn out the way they would've liked. They're not making that same mistake twice. Fat-ass Walda is getting kicked out of the north with the clothes on her back and nothing else and her son/daughter will be re-assigned and their bloodlines will forever remain a mystery.

The Dreadfort is a good and working castle so they'll hand it to a loyal bannerman. There's plenty of those around.

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The Boltons will die out.

Should Fat Walda survive with her baby, it is heir to nothing, and attainted from birth. To the wall or the citadel.

The seat is too lucrative to be destroyed outright, and too old to be abandoned.

House Thenn of the Dreadfort works well.

But the baby should not profit from the crimes of the father, and Roose definitely has crimes to answer for.

` Roose and Ramsay Bolton will die in battle. The northmen will see to that.

As far as Fat Walda and the baby? The Starks already tried to subdue and keep a Bolton as a loyal bannerman. It didn't quite turn out the way they would've liked. They're not making that same mistake twice. Fat-ass Walda is getting kicked out of the north with the clothes on her back and nothing else and her son/daughter will be re-assigned and their bloodlines will forever remain a mystery.

The Dreadfort is a good and working castle so they'll hand it to a loyal bannerman. There's plenty of those around.

The North remembers

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Man, I really hope Stannis kicks their asses and defeats them, but I don't want them to be extinct. No house deserves that fate. I just want them reduced to a very minor house, like Cassel or Mollen.

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Man, I really hope Stannis kicks their asses and defeats them, but I don't want them to be extinct. No house deserves that fate. I just want them reduced to a very minor house, like Cassel or Mollen.

Honestly I don't think any house will get completely wiped out, except possibly the Freys. Not because of the Red Wedding or because "they deserve it" but because of narrative irony.

The only house there would be a point in exterminating would be the one with so many members of it as to appear genocide-proof. ["Too Big To Fail LOL"] Especially if they're the only one that meets this fate. Another point for "nothing goes as planned", a theme that GRRM loves to return to in this series. So many blood lines in much more precarious positions make it through and yet the one that by sheer numbers and geographical range (they're married in to just about everywhere) should be safe from dying out dies out? Oh that wacky GRRM!

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FYI: the mods don't appreciate justifications of rape, even fictional ones. Nor do we like graphic descriptions of how violence should be visited upon a particular character or house, no matter how deserved you may think the violence is.

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Fat Walda's kids will be too young and lacking in parental guidance (even if Ramsay doesn't just kill them all) to be suitable heirs. "Boy lords are the bane of any house" after all.

Domeric is six feet under, and was too "nice" to be a worthy heir to the Dreadfort and Bolton name anyway.

Ramsay has the right attitude and outlook, but he's just plain sloppy and doesn't see the big picture. Wildly violent, no self-control. Not calculating enough to run House Bolton anywhere but into the ground.

We should realize, as Roose Bolton has already realized, that House Bolton's best chance to endure and have a future is Roose himself.

Hence the book he read, then burnt at Harrenhal. [CRACKPOTTERY INCOMING] He was researching sorcery and Blood Magic. His apparent indifference to the inevitable early death of every little Bolton Fat Walda pops out during that conversation with Theon stems from Roose's new plan to use their blood as a sacrifice. Only Death Can Pay For Life? Their deaths will pay for his life, extending it far beyond any natural span. One way or another, he will outlive Ramsay. He will outlive them all until a suitably "Boltonish" heir can finally be produced and raised to adulthood. Or, hey, why stop there? Keep going with the blood magic and hang on for centuries. Go into seclusion periodically, create the illusion of having "died", then reappear under the assumed identity of that surviving son and do it all over again. Roose plans to ensure House Bolton endures by his becoming a vampire...or near enough to one, at least, as to make no matter.

"I am not a man to be undead undone" ?

I can see Roose in league with the Others, easily. This may also help explain the attack on Jon at the Wall.

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I was under the impression that the Northmen have not accepted Stannis as their king, despite the service he has done for them, and are still deadset on the whole separatism madness

This may be true, but the North will follow whatever the Starks choose to do in terms of Stannis. The North originally rose up out of anger that the Lannisters held the throne. Crowning Robb as the King in the North instead of joining forces with Stannis was an emotional choice done in response to a horrible crime.

and thus when Davos dutifully brings Rickon as he promised I think there is a significent risk that the Northmen will just say "Thank you." and cut him down. In my opinion the xenophobia of the Northmen have been fairly clear and with both Rickon and Robb's will possibly surfacing it seems to me that Stannis would be out of the question since he's an outsider.

The Northmen are pretty honorable, and hold those that help them in high regard; which is why they adore the Starks. If Stannis is successful in re-taking Winterfell in the name of the Starks while Davos returns Rickon, I don't see the North killing Stannis. They may still want to negotiate some terms, but I believe Stannis will remain unharmed by the Northmen.

In all I unfortunetly don't see much speaking for the Northmen to support Stannis after the Northmen either kills the Boltons or finds a new Stark.

There will be a lot speaking for Stannis if he restores Winterfell and Davos returns Rickon.

Now I think it would be better if the Northmen did not betray Stannis, as I want Stannis on the throne if I can't have Lannister on it, but I think that the winds are blowing against the stag and Justin may be to slow to gather the mercenaries to be at the right place when it really matters.

I disagree. Although I believe Stannis is currently the rightful heir to the Iron Throne, I also believe that Stannis' story is headed in a much bigger direction. Stannis and the Northmen will remain allies if my view is correct.

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It's not her fault she was born a Frey

Or the baby's who it's father was

I hope they will survive. Imagine what roose and Ramsey would say to having dreadfort redecorated with an emphasis on cheerful pink by fat Walda. That would be the end of Boltons

I think they should be told this will happen before their hopefully inevitable death

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