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Cat Stark vs Gollum

Darth Visenya

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Who would you say was:

A: Less irritating

B: Likely to win in a fight

C: More attractive

I think I would give the win to my pressshious on all counts

Now you may think this is an unfair thread to poor Cat, but I was originally thinking of comaparing her to Jar Jar Binks but decided that was a step too far, even for the most annoying character in ASoIaF.

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A: Less irritating - Cat by a landslide. Gollum's whole precious shtick got old fast.

B: Likely to win in a fight - Coin toss, I guess. Does Cat have a dagger or a direwolf with her? Is she wearing a shiny gold ring? These questions are important.

C: Are you serious? Cat. No question. Even when she's Lady Stoneheart I'd still rather hookup with un-dead-three-days-rotten Cat than Gollum.

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Well, gollum is definitely more talkative... so I'd say he's more irritating... win in a fight? hm... hard to decide, depends on many things, but since UnCat is really pissed, I'd say her, I guess... and she is more attractive, gotta give her that...

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You know how when you're trying to even out your sideburns while shaving you can run into trouble and end up with no sideburns left?

That's the only way I can make sense of Jar Jar and the 'lil Darth Vader kid. Lucas was trying to balance out one horrible thing (Jar Jar) with another (the kid they cast to play 'lil Darth), and things got out of hand until he had no movie left worth seeing (Episode I). He probably looked at early renderings of the Jar Jar character and said, "Oh my. Whoa Nelly. This is going to be bad. I better introduce something else that's horrible into this movie pronto, or else people will be too focussed on how terrible Jar Jar is. To draw attention away from Jar Jar, I've got to find the worst possible child actor to play Darth. Then people will be like, 'Oh my god, this is so racist!' when Jar Jar is on the screen, but in the next scene 'lil Darth will take their minds off of Jar Jar and they'll be all 'Oh my god, intolerable child!' This is the only way to keep Jar Jar in the movie and get away with it, and that's always been at the heart of my dream! So we'll do what must be done. Hire that kid! The one with the haircut!"

Golum was better in print. In the movie, he was just Andy Serkis having too much fun and getting away with it. People who hadn't read the books were probably seriously wondering why the camera kept going back to that wierdo. "Maybe this is the scene where golum's relevance will become apparent! ..... Nope. He's just muttering again. Eventually, though, it'll make sense why he's being given so much camera time, right?"

I think golum would choke Cat and Cat wouldn't choke out. Golum would eventually grow concerned at this and back off. Cat would take some time to readjust her top and smooth down her hair into some semblance of a dignified appearance before chasing after golum, and he's use this time to escape into some crevice that no high society lady would venture into.

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