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Cersei: Trial by combat, and the Brothers Clegane

Irelands Gemstone

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Cersei Lannister is facing down charges amounting to execution by the faith. She has taken Robert Strong (widely believed to be an undead Gregor Clegane) as her champion in the upcoming battle. As her prosecutors are the Faith the opposing warrior will have to be someone willing to risk their lives for the faith.

Here is where the theory gets a little crackpot. If Robert Strong is Gregor Clegane, then throughout the entire book you will have noticed that it has been repeated over and over and over that Sandor is the only one allowed to kill Gregor Clegane according to Sandor himself.

More crackpottery, Sandor is considered dead (Many believe him to be the gravedigger on the Quiet isle due to the gravediggers large size, and Cleganes horse Stranger being on the Quiet isle too, as we are only told the Hound is dead, the vicious embodiment of Sandor, I believe died with Gregor.) We all love the raving swordswinging werewolf Clegane :) George would not have him stay a pacificifist and reintroduce him to the story, it would make for worthless reading and a waste of paper.

Even more .. no less crackpottery. Cersei MUST and therefore WILL win her trial by combat, as the prophecy of Maggy the Frog states her children will all die before her, therefore as 2 still live, and with them being so geographically distances, Cersei will survive the trial, which means Gregor will live, because who could honestly defeat the raging behemoth.

Episode V: Return of the Crackpottery! Pacified Sandor hears of Cleganes survival, based on his unmasking after the trial of battle, I dont know if the faith will declare the victory false as necromancy is anti-faith of the seven - in which case they will demand a new trial, or something meaning Un-gregor will be called upon again, and the Faith will be prosecuting. Either they will send out a call to arms for the greatest of the faiths warriors, in which case the Elder Monk on the quiet isle will bring forth his hidden champion, Sandor Clekickass, keeping him a godly, un -houndly man OR Sandor hears of Gregors survival, gets his hate - groove back, and rushes to kings landing to become Sandor Clekickass - and fufilling the prophecy, that THE YOUNGER BROTHER (Sandor is a younger brother eg. Valonquar) will kill Cersei.

I may be brilliant.

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Unlikely. If Ser Robert Strong is revealed to be an undead monstrosity, there won't be any trials anymore. There will be blood in the gutters and a crusade to wipe out the Lannisters once and for all.

There is definitely enough scope for Robert Strong to fight for Cersei and not have to immediately reveal his identity.

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Well Cersei Has to survive the trial, Maybe you are right and thats how Tommen dies, maybe He is killed once Un-Gregor is revealed for what he is, GRRM said we would be seeing Casterly Rock in the series, and we would be seeing the Lannister siblings reunited - he didnt say what siblings, I took it to mean Jamie, Cersei and Tyrion - Maybe Cersei flees to the rock, Tyrion will come back to Westeros with Dany if he survives and somehow gets to the Rock, and Jamie lands in to suit GRRMs purpose, - If Myrcella dies, it will only take a younger brother to strangle her to death. Thank you, I do consider myself very modest :D

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Thank you, I do consider myself very modest :D

You are truly welcome. I agree that Cersei will win her trial by battle, as pointed out, the Vonolquar prophecy suggests Cersei will die after her children and since 2 of them are still bouncing around, she still has a bit of time. However, the prophecy says that the Volonquar will wrap his hands around her throat and choke the life from her (or similar dramatic words to that effect) which I don't see Sandor doing. I'm all for Sandor flying in on his magic horse and saving the day though
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Hands, Can Jamie choke with his golden hand? I do remember him having difficulty gripping a wine goblet, so I deem it unlikely - but he had a dream where he was in the bowels of Casterly rock with Brienne while sleeping on a weirwood stump (we know its magical from the weirwood paste they give bran to enhance his tree magic) where he has full control of his hand and is fighting off Tywin, Cersei and shades of the dead Kingsguard - dont know what it could mean, but feel it might be connected to Jamie being the valonquar.

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I have always thought the Volonguar is Jaime. To choke somebody is a very intimate and personal way to kill a person which suggests it is done in a passionate rage as to opposed to a cold murder. I'm pretty sure that if he truly wants to choke the bitch he will find a way to do it with his gold hand....maybe he had a special "choking Cersei" hand made especially.

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I'm definitely hoping Sandor as fights Un-Gregor in the battle, but as pointed out above, he'd have to die in order for Cersei to live to see her children die before her.

Personally I think that's what will end up happening, but not before Sandor exacts some sort of (permanent) fire-related damage on Un-Gregor.

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I have always thought the Volonguar is Jaime. To choke somebody is a very intimate and personal way to kill a person which suggests it is done in a passionate rage as to opposed to a cold murder. I'm pretty sure that if he truly wants to choke the bitch he will find a way to do it with his gold hand....maybe he had a special "choking Cersei" hand made especially.

When he meets Gendry and BwB he will make all sorts of extensions for his gold hand. A compass extension, a chopping knife, stabbing knife, choking grip, eye poke extension, fist pump/punching extension etc etc.

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Just to toss this out there.

It doesn't say the kids will die before her, only that gold will be their crowns and shrouds. That doesn't mean they die before her, only that they will each wear a crown (and technically, how will this happen to Marcella??) and that their shrouds will be gold when they die. They are of house Lannister, gold isn't hard to come by.

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Just to toss this out there.

It doesn't say the kids will die before her, only that gold will be their crowns and shrouds. That doesn't mean they die before her, only that they will each wear a crown (and technically, how will this happen to Marcella??) and that their shrouds will be gold when they die. They are of house Lannister, gold isn't hard to come by.

The implication that the kids die first is extremely strong. Else why bring up the shrouds and tears at all?

How does Myrcella get a crown? It's very possible that there will be a series of occupants of the Iron Throne. By Dornish law she could inherit the monarchy. Or she could marry one of the short-term Kings, (f)Aegon, for one.

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First off, not everything a character says is going to come true, obviously. Nor does it have to be foreshadowing. For example, Robb swears vengeance against the Lannisters, but ultimately he suffers one of the worst deaths in the whole war.


More crackpottery, Sandor is considered dead (Many believe him to be the gravedigger on the Quiet isle due to the gravediggers large size, and Cleganes horse Stranger being on the Quiet isle too, as we are only told the Hound is dead, the vicious embodiment of Sandor, I believe died with Gregor.) We all love the raving swordswinging werewolf Clegane :) George would not have him stay a pacificifist and reintroduce him to the story, it would make for worthless reading and a waste of paper.

100% disagreement from me. Actually, I think the best possible writing for GRRM is never show Sandor Clegane ever again; leave us with vague hints that he found redemption as a hermit, thus tying up a sort of "loose end" therein, but never confirming it.

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What could Jamies provocation to choke Cersei to death though, I doubt it will be Tyrion - he is a dwarf, and wouldent be able to fight a full grown woman very well.

Tyrion is strong enough. It is his legs, which are weak, but he has said himself and shown to have close to average man strength in his arm. Though Cersei is a tall woman and must be fairly strong because of that.

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