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Everything posted by lancerman

  1. 10. Dany and Tyrion was the intellectual joust it needed to be. Sad Jorah is the best Jorah. Cersie actually looking vulnerable was amazing. Lena excels when she is at a disadvantage for someone reason. She really lets on that she can't handle it. Sansa and Theon was a great scene. Arya's scene was fresh and actually showed progression. Best battle scene of the show and probably the best portrayal of the Others in either the books (I know heresy) or show so far. Last but not least NO FUCKING DORNE.
  2. The funniest part about this whole thing is the overreaction to that scene from the last season. Apparently being manipulated by LF into covering up your Aunt's death so he can secure the Vale and dying your hair black means Sansa was about to be a player.
  3. She was basically saying that if the Tyrell's go down because of Cersei she has no incentive to not reveal the whole killing Joffrey plot to the world. Aka, " LF you better have something good". LF put Lancel into play. It was forshadowed when they met up last episode.
  4. The difference is a Storm of Swords had many climactic moments, was probably the most dense book of the series, and was still centered around the same characters for the most part. These two have too many new characters and just added so many plot points. As much as I hate Dorne now, I can only imagine how non book readers would be if they had a whole side plot with a bunch of characters they never met before. Same with Sansa. What are we going to have her chill in the Vale the whole season? Speed that shit up.
  5. Maybe an unpopular opinion, but considering the two books that are being adapted this season, I'm very pleased with the way they were able to get the plot moving while keeping all the main characters front and center.
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