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Joe Pesci

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Everything posted by Joe Pesci

  1. I was finally able to look at the weekends picks, and damn were mine fucking putrid...
  2. Tied for the 4th worst overall record, and in first place? I'll take it!
  3. Very surprised I'm in 2nd with my record so far this year.
  4. Well, had no clue this Saints/Dolphins game was in London...there goes my 1 point pick again.
  5. I definitely would've put at least 13 on the Pats. I thought when you forget to put in the Thursday game it takes away the highest available point total from you for Sunday's picks?
  6. Oops, forgot to do Thursday's game. Kind of worked in my favor though...
  7. 5. There was some good stuff, but as lenient as I've been on how fast people get around, this episode was simply just too ridiculous. Gendry to the Wall, raven to Dragonstone, Dany to the rescue in what seems to be a day (maybe even being generous there tbh). It was like trying to fit 10 pounds of shit into a 5 pound bag. I won't even bother with the ice. Or the fucking chains, which was completely over the top. Just have the dragon crash on land instead when it dies. Outside of some good action and some of the dialogue north of the Wall, this was probably one of the worst episodes of this show, IMO.
  8. And you'll be mocked in 2017 as well, as nothing in your ridiculous IceBrandon theories has come to pass. There isn't an ice dragon on the show named Winter, is there? Nope, didn't think so...
  9. I've read pretty much every post in this thread, thanks, and didn't make any baseless accusations. I agree that you're entitled to vote however you want, but you've made plenty of statements that have absolutely nothing to do with your stance so I'd disagree that's your only point in this thread.
  10. Yet here you are, arguing about it over some 18 pages of posts. Oh, sweet irony... 7/10 Iron Islands/Kingsmoot was pretty poor, the theatre show in Braavos too long, and everything north of the Wall just seemed rushed into this episode too quickly.
  11. You can see the white cloaks on the KG a few times in the first 30 seconds in the below link, I missed them completely until I rewatched it today. Also, they are laying behind the KG on a rock when they walk past Bran and the 3ER, about a minute in. https://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=V6yBPYr6s9I
  12. The books are the books and the show is the show, keep them separate and avoid all the hassle...

  13. If you factor in the soldiers on guard being hungry, tired, and freezing, it is totally feasible for a small group of men to get into the camp. If they are spread out in groups of two around the whole perimeter, then it really wouldn't be hard, especially with the snow hindering eyesight. As an example, during the Battle of the Bulge, there were instances of German soldiers accidentally wandered undetected during the night past the Allied lines and had no clue they had done so until being captured due to the inclement weather. So it could realistically be done. Now all the fires lighting up at once, I got no answer :dunno:
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