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Everything posted by plectrum

  1. I was sooooo hoping that when Lyanna leaned in to say "his name is..." that she would say "Robert Paulson."
  2. Probably a marketing thing. Game of Thrones just became the most popular television series in the South.
  3. I loved the shot they cut in with the assault on the wall of all the white walkers just looking utterly unimpressed with Viserion.
  4. Cersei nodded to the mountain to kill Jamie, the mountain draws his sword, and then Jamie just walked away while the mountain stood there.
  5. Arya going to act as stark champion in littlefinger's trial be combat? Man that would be sweet.
  6. I agree. If she's not smart enough to know better than to trust him, they're taking her character way backwards.
  7. Is it just me or does the Mountain's kingsguard outfit look really super Darth Vader-ish?
  8. For all that talk about how Tyrion isn't a hero, he's doing some pretty stupid and rave things right now.
  9. They're sort of fitting together nicely. It's another hint at Jonaerys (I think, anyways).
  10. Wait, Dany's fixation with loyalty and Jon's little mini speech there are dovetailing nicely right there.
  11. Once again, the shots they use to show the wind from drogon's wings have been absolutely beautiful all season.
  12. I actually have to say, that little sidebar between the Hound and Brienne was pretty awesome.
  13. Not very, but they'll be afraid of Cersei and the WWs if Jon plays his cards right.
  14. I made it! My mom finally got HBO so I can watch even though I'm away from home this week! Woot! Here goes! Hoping to see littlefinger's bloody corpse before this is over.
  15. The funny part is that I agree with you. The constant stream of plot devices and deus ex machinas is annoying (though, again, I really can't stress how awesome the dragons are now that they're actually being used). The show was most certainly better written back when they had the books to guide them. It should surprise no one that GRRM is a better writer than D&D. If anyone was complaining about the deus ex machinas, I'd probably just silently agree since I don't like to turn these threads into a complaintfest. However, the comment I was responding to was very specifically complaining about why the characters weren't showing signs of hypothermia. I mean, you never see people making a big deal about tiny details like that on any other show. It's just fashionable to bag on GoT now, so they're getting that level of ridiculous scrutiny (again, stuff like hypothermia, NOT the questioning of major, illogical, recurring plot devices). It's the same way people whine about teleporters now. Nevermind that we'd be into season 170 before the Red Wedding ever took place if they didn't hit fast forward between scenes. That's without even getting into my opinion that if you want to watch hours of people pointlessly travelling somewhere, you can just pop LoTR into the Blu-ray player again. With that said, it really did stretch credulity this week with Gendry getting to the Wall, the raven getting to Dragonstone, and the dragons making it north of the wall in what seemed like about a day (tops). For once, it's a legitimate complaint. What I'm saying is this: the show has declined in quality, but that doesn't make every complaint valid.
  16. Your theory, if memory serves, was that there was an ice dragon living inside the wall or the pool at Winterfell (I forget which you were partial to), and his name was Winter, and that's what all the Starks always meant when they said "Winter is coming." I think a water dragon coming into play with the Greyjoys was a part of it as well. I say this respectfully, but a dragon getting wightified in the great war doesn't exactly vindicate those theories.
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