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Everything posted by plectrum

  1. I agree, but it wasn't wise to try and make it in open court that way. She backed him into a corner.
  2. Oddly, she's become cynical enough that I think she might be the one Stark standing at the end of this.
  3. Bad idea openly challenging Jon. He's screwed either way in that scenario. Either he caves to his sister, or the lords who agree with her hold a grudge. Littlefinger wins there. It lets him undermine Jon more easily.
  4. When people ask you what happened here, tell them the North remembers... Goosebumps were had by all
  5. Eh, he did it under protest because his father demanded it. She hated him and I doubt he wants her back.
  6. I'm actually beginning to think that Dany will rule the South and Jon will remain King in the North, possibly after solidifying his claim to it by stopping the White Walkers and proving his Targ blood (somehow).
  7. I was so pleased by the episode that I didn't even think to mourn the lack of a Lady Stoneheart.
  8. I wasn't, but now that you mention it...yeah.
  9. OK, I just can't follow that type of episode with Silicon Valley, no matter how hilarious that show is.
  10. I didn't see him, though I may have been momentarily blinded by the awesomeness of that dragon ram.
  11. I'll say this for Cersei, her crown isn't nearly as stupid looking as Tommen's.
  12. Oh boy...Jamie is going to flip when he hears about Tommen.
  13. Great editing work there, cutting to adult Jon from baby Jon.
  14. Now we join pedobear and Sansa in the North.
  15. I feel a facelsss Arya scene coming on...
  16. That's more of a consolation to the viewers, Tyrion...
  17. LOL, I love the QoT. Also, I have to admit, even as a straight dude, Kit is one handsome bastard when he smiles.
  18. Anyone else think that maybe this is just them getting rid of Jon's infinite lives cheat code so that they can inject more tension into his future battles/intrigues?
  19. 8, probably. They're accomplishing a lot here in limited time. If they don't ease up a little it will wind up feeling forced, but so far it's working.
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