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C.T. Phipps

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Everything posted by C.T. Phipps

  1. I mean the show is about Rhaenyra and Alicent, I don't see why we would want to see much of the show beyond Rhaenyra being avenged by Cregan Stark. The Regency period is an entirely different generation and storyline. And we can skip Viserys being alive by showing him not dying.
  2. I mean none of that is really important. At least if you're ending the story. Mind you, in the books, Rhaenyra is treated as a usurper, which is bullshit.
  3. I imagine Otto put the most horrible spin on it possible, not helped by the company or location. "A toast to my brother, heir for a day, may he fly on dragons in the Seven Heavens."
  4. I admit I view Criston Cole as the worst kingsguardsman of all time, including Jaime Lannister, because I believe his actions are purely out of spite to his crush going with someone else after she spurned him.
  5. I think the crowning of Aegon III seems a natural place to stop. Then hopefully they can move onto Snow or Dunk and Egg or whatever else they've got on tap. Maybe Emilia Clark will do STORMBORN after they offer her an island in Dubai.
  6. Actually, my interpretation of Daemon was always more cosmopolitan than the rest of the Targaryens. He had a terrible relationship with his Royce wife but he spent large amounts of time among non-court individuals as well as in Essos.
  7. I feel like saying it's abandoning his children when he's ordered to murder someone he loves and the only option is that or betraying his queen/wife is a rather classical impossible choice. Saying he's "abandoning" them is something that I think is somewhat ridiculous.
  8. I mean we have his humanizing moments in his suicide versus betraying Nettles. It's interesting you view it that way because what I got from the show is that Daemon is incredibly charismatic and managed to win the Goldcloak's undying loyalty. Also, that he is far more aware of the situation of the common folk than the High Lords who ARE constantly scheming against him. Everything he does is something they attack and they don't really have any alternatives. I also think the "heir for a day" is presented as Otto putting the absolute worst spin on it and making political capital out of it when his king ABSOLUTELY DOES NOT NEED THIS. Daemon is aware Otto is trying to isolate the king from his friends and, sadly, succeeded.
  9. Even that isn't probably the breaking point. It'll be when you give birth to a son and then state, "Oh yes, he's the heir now, right?"
  10. I'm inclined to think that this version of Daemon has no interest in Rhaenyra and won't start courting her until she's widowed. I wouldn't be surprised if she makes the first move to minimize the uncle-niece squick.
  11. I mean I fully expect them to whitewash and go overboard for Rhaenyra.
  12. Tywin was a legitimate monster but so damn FORMIDABLE and competent that it was like, "I mean, what he did to Tyrion was pure evil but it seems like he's one of 3 guys who could actually run a kingdom."
  13. Apparently, until the daughter pimping scene, Otto Hightower was viewed as a Ned Stark figure. Yeah, there's a lot of people who think Daemon is being set up as the villain.
  14. It is rather funny: 1. The Tournament Book Readers: Deaths during tournaments are big deals! They're breaking the rules! The deaths of highly important noble house members is being shrugged off. Show Viewers: WOOT! That is awesome and metal. 2. The Purge Show Viewers: Oh my God! That is awful! Daemon is a monster! He's just murdering people left and right. Book Readers: Flea Bottom is just THAT much of a shithole and the people will love him for this. 3. Otto Hightower Show Viewers: Oh my God, he's pimping his own daughter! Book Readers: Well, that's pretty normal in Westeros. Also, yes, he's gross and disgusting.
  15. My idea is that the Valyrians are actually descended from people like Mirri Maaz Durr and both simultaneously shepherds and witches. They tamed dragons with giving them sheep and later blood magic.
  16. Eh, her father and Criston Cole were always going to crown Aegon as King so she knew that it was going to be treason. She just decided to rationalize it.
  17. Probably like Lancels. No one's first sons were competing. And Daemon is the one doing the killing by all rights.
  18. Since they are heavily using Cersei to promote her, I think there's going to be a lot of sunk cost fallacy here. She's married to a man she can't stand and births his children only to discover, in fact, that he has no intention of making them his heirs.
  19. I mean even Stephen's supporters didn't like the guy. Famously, that includes his own SON. Sort of like Prince/King John, if you look at the real history, in fact, he was actually worse than his reputation.
  20. You're right. He'd probably have to swear allegiance to the Seven Kingdoms first, which apparently his family did. Or are we meaning Dornish in terms, "Ethnically Rhoynar."
  21. That's not remotely untrue to canon. Remember they always say ruler of the Seven Kingdoms. The Targaryen Dynasty does not recognize Dornish independence.
  22. 10,000,000 viewers of the first episode and that's just the people who watched it in America. It seems the love of Westeros is still strong. I expect a renewal after the second episode.
  23. Space Academy Dropouts is free for 23rd to 26th Space Academy Rejects is on sale for 99c for 23rd to 26th
  24. Speaking as a Medieval historian, constant states of war are usually where the MOST crossover happens. Just ask what the Kingdom of Jerusalem's relationship to Muslim citizens was. Or Spain before the Reconquest. Certainly, during the 100 years war, French influence didn't exactly get smaller.
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