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Every Last Chicken

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  1. Game of Thrones Fans: This show's been dumbed down for the masses. We need more dialogue! Also Game of Thrones Fans: WTF is all this boring filler. Nothing but people talking all episode. 1/10 Personally I really enjoyed the dialogue between the characters, even the comic relief (re: giant's milk and The Hound/ Beric/ Arya). I thought the knighting of Brienne was great and sentimental, even if she pretended she didn't want it at first (Jamie knew her better than that). The conversation between Daenerys and Sansa was interesting too. Everything seemed smooth up until Sansa mentions Northern independance again; that hand of friendship slipped right off and hit the table after that...
  2. Was anyone esle a little irked at how Daenerys handled herself throughout the episode? -smirks when all the small folks run in fear of the dragons in winter town. -offers no reassurance in the great hall that she will be a just ruler or that she was fully supported to helping. Only a snarky comment about her dragons "eating whatever they want" -makes a veiled threat directed at Sansa in Jon's presence (if she doesnt obey) just before the dothraki show up and cut their conversation short. -offers zero condolences to Sam for the executions of his family. Just very matter of fact and unforgiving. I honestly don't think shes going to last this season. She's way too prideful and entitled.
  3. Just a thought regarding the Mereen scene: When Yara/Theon escaped the Iron Islands after the Kingsmoot, it looked like they took a fairly decent sized crew and a large number of ships with them. I think the ironborn's raiding and plundering tactics could prove useful in nullifying and securing the rest of the Harpy fleet (hopefully while leaving the ships in tact). Of course, the dragons might blow them all up and it will all be for naught...who knows what kind of wacky scheme D&D have cooked up at this point.
  4. I'm glad someone shares a similar opinion on the Arya plot. Everyone who's human has a lapse in judgement sometimes, especially teenagers (which is still essentially what Arya is). She thought the coast was clear and that maybe the city was large enough, so she let her guard down and paid for it. Fortunately for her, the waif is a sadist and wanted her to suffer, which allowed her to recover. It's still hard to beleive that she could run around like that after a minor patch job. Maybe adrenaline surge helped her (yeah, let's go with that!). I'm glad they at least showed she was still injured after her crazy jump. The scene in which she cuts the candle I thought was a great way to end it. Her blind fighting skills were put to good use. As for the rest of the episode, I had a sneaking suspicion that in some weird way, trial by combat would be taken off the table; however, I didn't think it would be Tommen to do it. I didn't really like the way that Riverrun went down, and wish the writers would have chose to have Blackfish go with Brienne and Pod. I'm curious as to what's going to happen to the rest of the Tully army. Bend the knee to the Freys? Take the Black? Get executed? Too much in the air for me. I did enjoy the BwB and Hound scene. I did not expect him to find the 3 he was hunting down waiting for him in hangman's nooses. It did at least bury the questions of why the Brotherhood would kill innocent people. The scene with the guy teaching the younger lad how to kiss a woman, along with the Hound shoe shopping had me cracking up pretty hard. All in all I thought the episode wad OK. Not their best but far from their worst. My 2 cents
  5. Sometimes, when I'm having trouble getting out of bed to go to work, I imagine Davos Seaworth standing next to my nightstand, giving one of his amazing speeches and telling me how much I'm going to kick ass at work that day. The man is seriously the best life-coach Westeros has to offer.
  6. Osha was referring to the Thenns(sp?) and their penchant for human BBQ. It was basically her way of saying that Ramsay was no scarier to her than anything she's already seen north of the wall. I doubt Ramsay will be eating people soon.
  7. This part had me laughing out loud on my couch. Just his face as he bit into that big hunk of meat had me rolling. That and when Daario decided he wasn't leaving his nekked woman dagger behind.
  8. Yeah I thought Davos questioning Mel was kind of out of order (ie. maybe he should have questioned her BEFORE he asked her for help resurrecting Jon). I suppose as fans, we're supposed to look at it from his perspective in time. Season 5 ends with he and Jon speaking at Castle Black as Mel rides in. He asks her what happened and she brushes him off and runs away. Hours later Jon is stabbed and dead. Season 6 starts right after the stabbing with Davos finding him and bringing him in the room. Allister Thorne gives them till sundown to do give up Jon's body. So he only has a few hours to ask for Edd to get back, and for him to ask for Mel's help. Of course, the showrunners string the happenings of maybe a 24 hr event into 3 episodes (Season 5 finale and 2 episodes of Season 6), which to us feels like forever. I guess now that things have settled a little at CB, he can put his focus back on Stannis/Shireen. The only critique I have of the whole plotline is what was Davos' motivation to bring Jon back to life or even think of asking. Why wouldn't he just have a funeral and be done with it? Other than Stannis seeing something special in Jon during his visit to CB, I can't really come up with any really good reasons. It's not a deal-breaker or anything for me. I just wish the motivation or reason to bring Jon back was a little more fleshed out for us.
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