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Everything posted by Varysblackfyre321

  1. We talking domestically or how they’ve interacted with their neighbors and Palestinian groups in the region?
  2. They don’t need to or want the goal of Netanyahu at least is to ethnically cleanses not get bogged down with the process of nation building.
  3. Yeah I’ve always seen israel at least say when they bomb a hospital or school or mosque it’s because the people they were trying to kill were launching rockets from the place or something, there was actual immediate, active threat that endangered people’s lives. Now it seems in some people’s minds like Israel would be justified in bombing a hospital if they’re even treating a Hamas commander.
  4. I’ll be honest I’m unsure whose holding Israel to a high standard if we’re talking about Israel’s allies/benefactors who’d the power to reign Israel in somewhat. Are we hyperfixating on dumb young people on Twitter and couple deranged college professorS?
  5. I feel I must say I personally know left wingers who furiously protested the judicial overhaul and did care for the abuses of Palestinians by Israel. Though for many protesters yeah they wanted liberal democracy for domestic ly and fascist rule for everyone else.
  6. Shlorger’s ethnic cleansing. They’re not serious about it unless they feel they can get away with it.
  7. Because then a Hamas=ISIS may go there and they’d have to bomb it all anyway.
  8. But have you considered western Liberal? ISIS=Hamas. Hamas made Voldemort cry that’s how bad they are.
  9. Understandable. I’m sorry I can’t watch their spokesmen, former PMs and UN reps grizzle in rage and disgust at the mention of post “Destroy Hamas=ISIS” when interviewed by Piers Morgen(whose historically been pretty sympathetic to Israel) see Netanyahu compare Palestinians to a people Jews genocide during in their holy books and read plans by a Netanyahu’s ally think tank on how to best get rid of all the Gazans. I suspect any “talks” about a co-operative project for a a future peace with the people of Gaza are peformative. They’re done so western liberals don’t feel so bad when they hear about another refugee camp getting bombed to get that 1 terrorist staying there.
  10. This presumption of Israel being interested in doing anything but cleansing Gaza and repopulating it with its own people is bizarre to me.
  11. Yes, I might be more sympathetic to all the evil and illegal shit Israel an existential threat which poses as much threat to Israel’s existence as a mosquito does to you. Instead of being offended can you actually answer my question as to what catastrophe is likely to be adverted by all the steps Israel is taking to annihilate Hamas which so far has taken massive human cost already? 9-11 was bad and the US’s response to it was largely stupid and evil and now looking back it’s pretty safe to mock people who invoked it when doing evil and stupid Just invoking the attack isn’t conversation ender on whether or not Israel’s actions are justified.
  12. Can we not catastrophize October 7? It was really horrorfic I get it but Israel wasn’t under anywhere near existential threat over it and quite frankly that’s the only scenario where I might be sympathetic to how Israel has chosen to act in response which likely include tens of thousands of people mainly children dead, and hundreds of thousands if not over a million people displaced and primed for radicalization. Also speaking as an American I’d at least want my president to call for a ceasefire to save his chance at re election and avoid the election of a fascist.
  13. Jesus Christ western leaders have been kissing Israel’s ass plenty, Israel isn’t some poor little kid it’s a nuclear power under the protection of the premier super power and favorite son of the west. Stop pretending as if everyone is just being mean to Israel.
  14. Don’t listen to the IDF when they admit/boast about doing horrible stuff?
  15. That hospital was caring for Wounded hamas fighter so it’s actually okay to level it outright. This doesn’t seem significantly different from what Israel is claiming justifies bombing the refugee camp.
  16. Unless it’s a thanos snap I can’t see the justification in bombing a refugee just to get him in particular I’m sorry. Either we accept Israel’s war crimes whole cloth respectfully and silently or we’re all pacifists.
  17. Did they use Arabic or did they keep using English in their “warnings”
  18. So what exactly would have happened if the Refugee camp in this particular instance didn’t get bombed?
  19. Hell in this example even currently not shooting at you, a better analogy would be the police gunning a crowd of dozens to get one murderer that’s trying to escape detection.
  20. Okay so was that particular hamas commander so dangerous that bombing a refugee camp had to be done right that second? Was he on the cusp of getting an infinity gauntlet and snapping Israel out of existence?
  21. It may have already failed to accomplish that Biden’s approval is going down the toilet because his administration has sighted of on Israel’s mad blood lust. To save American democracy by denying a trump re election and prevent an ethnic cleansing Biden should call for a ceasefire at least.
  22. Me: don’t do genocide. Israel and its supporters right now: OMG literally Hitler!!!!
  23. Yes ethnic cleansing at least, genocide at best.
  24. Oh by the nuclear fallout might affect Precious Israel so that mode of genocide is off the table.
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