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Landed Knight

Landed Knight (6/8)

  1. Yeah, that's what I was thinking. It's that quote coupled with the way he said "Because I can not prove that YOU ARE NOT MINE" in one of the earlier episodes. Seems like a pretty strong hint to me.
  2. Yeah, he's sowing the seeds. And we all know he's gotten close to Olenna Tyrell, so he may be in on the PW plans and the attempt to frame Tyrion.
  3. I also felt the Ramsay and Reek scene was the perfect blend of crazy. Ramsay seemed totally off his rocker at times, and then when he was face to face with Theon, I was wondering if he was going to kiss or lick his neck or something. They're definitely adding the sexual element to the relationship between Ramsay and Reek now.
  4. I guess people are saying that because he ordered Davos to be killed? But really, I actually thought he showed more compassion and kingliness in this episode when he passionately spoke of the other "kings" making his realm bleed, and how he won't forget or forgive that.
  5. No, what I meant was she sort of looked like a vampire or ghoul or something. Like they deliberately added some grey face makeup to her character to get this effect. And then she picked up the Braavosi coin....seemed like major foreshadowing.
  6. Yeah, after Arya killed the Frey guy, I swear, she looked kind of evil.
  7. I thought the episode would feel rushed, because they brought so many characters into the episode. However, I was pleasantly surprised. I thought each scene was well done. Except for the Dany scene, and she's my favorite character. :frown5: That last scene disturbingly reminded me of some idealized fantasy about what the US fighting with Iraq was about. "Liberating" the people from the evil regime in place and all.
  8. Ugh, I couldn't agree more. I have to go to bed for work tomorrow, and I can't sleep. :( It really pisses me off that Talisa, before her death in such a horrible manner, had to stand there and listen to Walder Frey talk about her "firm tits" in such a disrespectful way (she IS a queen, and pregnant with a prince, and had to endure that?). And then die in fear and pain knowing her baby was directly targeted. I'm just fuming right now.
  9. This episode was great, a ten out of ten. So much was so good... 1-The crazy, creepy Ramsay reveal 2-Poor Sansa, I almost cried for her when she thought she was going to be marrying Loras 3-Marg manipulating Joff 4-Varys was creepy too, with his mail-order sorcerer 5-Tywin rebuffing Cersei's ambitions 6-Varys and Queen of Thorns-God, I love her 7-And of course, Dany, which actually DID make me cry
  10. You know, about Tywin talking to Arya, I think it's very believable. Powerful people are still people. Probably most of the people Tywin deals with he thinks of as "frenemies," people who are on his side now, but will switch if they get a better opportunity. Tywin sees Arya, as strange as it seems, as someone so far below him he can actually afford to be himself with her. And he sees qualities in her he admires, like intelligence. Like the wealthy buisinessmen and industrial magnates who used to frequent geisha in Japan early in this century, in a way. Although Arya is a "cupbearer" while geisha are....well....sake bearers, I guess? lol.
  11. Now, this was an egregious oversight. Maybe they thought it would be too funny, though, so they took it out.
  12. I thought it was really cool when Dany said she has dreams that come true. So,it looks like she inherited the Targ family gift. She did seem a little off her rocker saying it, though. I wonder if Jorah was like "Uh oh...here we go again,,,the Mad Queen."
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