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A Redeemed Hound

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Everything posted by A Redeemed Hound

  1. More lazy writing and storytelling. Killing Shaggydog was just a way to save CGI and wolf money since they only have Bran as a warg on the show. I had hoped Davos would be sent from the Wall to find Rickon but I guess not. What's annoying is that we now have to hear how the head of Shaggydog was not big enough to be a direwolf and it is all a ruse. Well, it is Shaggydog and the lazy powers that be killed him off to trim down the story line.
  2. No I heard it loud and clear last night. It was amazingly sloppy. Why is it like poison? And, again, why wouldn't he have killed Arya for breaking THE rule of rules of the Faceless Men? And I gave the episode a 7. I fear if I watch it "a couple of times" I will go even lower.
  3. I gave it an 8 but I think I will change it back to a 7. If it ended the way it should have...winter comes to King's Landing and Varys kills Pycelle and Kevan, I would have given it a 9 despite the Dorne crap. But Varys pops up in Mereen so I knew right away the one scene I was hoping for would be null and void. Did not like the final Mereen solution of Jorah and Dario leaving while the other three are in charge of ruling the city. Best part was Cersie's walk of shame. Lena better win an Emmy for her acting this season. Wish she didn't use a body double but what can you do? The scene worked brilliantly and even made me feel bad for our rotten queen. Stupid part was Robert Strong. Loved seeing him but it's a bit silly that you can obviously tell he is some kind of monster behind the helm. I think people in King's Landing would not be thrilled to notice that. Again, sloppy writing that assumes watchers of the show would be too stupid to figure anything out. Arya's scenes were also awesome. One major stupid thing was at the end. Why would someone poison themselves and not kill her instead? Also, why did she go blind? Was she poisoned? I didn't see her drink or do anything. Was it a spell? Pretty sloppy writing there. Jon Snow's betrayal was fine. Would have been better if it was a result of something more dramatic than "Hey, who's that over there? STAB!" A fight breaking out between the Wildlings and the watch with him trying to break it up would have been better. Again, sloppy and lazy writing. Where the F is Ghost? To not even show him is upsetting. And I guess the Wall is approximately 50 feel from Winterfell. LOL. That's been a major issue with the show since Season 1. Westeros on HBO is the size of Rhode Island. Dany's scenes were good. Nothing wrong there. Why did she drop her ring? To help anyone looking for her? Like Merry and Pippin did in LOTR? Dorne...so lame. The point of this season down there was to kill Myrcella and give Jaime and Bronn some screen time? And since they barely set sail, wouldn't they just turn the boat around and say "Hey, Doran, what gives?" Hell, they could have shouted it from the boat they were so close. And what of Tristane? He's going to be safe now? I guess that's what the Sand Snakes wanted. Stannis' death and quest's resolution was okay I guess. Hope is does not ruin anything from the book since he is alive and well in them with Theon and Asha. Theon saving Sansa was good. Probable should have CGI'd a bit more snow than the dusting they jumped 900 feet off a wall into. LOL. So I will change my vote to a 7. Easily the weakest and worst season of the show. I give the entire season a 5, saved only by the last 4 episodes.
  4. To give it a 1, in my opinion, is comparing it to Small Wonder. Remember that? The show with the robot girl/slave/maid from the 80s?
  5. Killing a brother or nephew is not the same as killing your daughter. Still, I was fine with it last night. The second they made Shireen and Selyse join Stannis, and the second he insisted upon it, I knew it was going to happen. He is desparate and, as in the books, he will break before he bends. He is true to his cause because it is just.
  6. Gave it an 8 whereas I gave Hardhome a 9. I was hoping for a solid 10 but I knew Dorne would ruin the flow of the episode and I was right. Dorne makes no sense right now and it is painful to watch. Loved the scene at the Wall with Jon Snow and the wildlings and Wun Wun. As messed up as it was I thought the scene with Shireen was very powerful and upsetting. It showed just how fanatical Melisandra is and just how devoted Stannis is to his cause. It made me pretty much hate Stannis now but the desperation of his situation drove him over the edge. Not sure how Davos will take the news. I am guessing rather poorly but I hope it somehow leads to him going on his search for a missing boy and his wolf. Arya's scenes were just okay. Based on the released chapter GRRM sent us for TWOW, we know what comes next. Cannot wait for that. Mereen was great. I did not find it anticlimactic at all. I was thinking it would have been silly if it was just pit fighting and was very happy when the Sons of the Harpy attacked. I actually stood up when Drogon landed and saved his mother. It felt more like a surreal moment for me and from what I could tell Tyrion, Jorah, etc. as they watched what just happened. Not sure where they will go with this with one episode left but SOMEBODY has to release the other two children. I had thought it would be Hizdar but he got all stabbed and stuff. I can see Missendei or Jorah doing it but maybe it will be the head of the Sons of the Harpy. Who knows. A solid 8 for me. Going to watch it again tonight.
  7. I find it insane that a lot of people (I assume non-book readers) have been giving every episode up until now a 9 or 10. Before last week's 7, I have not gone higher than a 5 with mostly 3's and 4's for ratings. And after last night's show, which I gave a 9, there are people giving it a 4 or 5. I am simply dumbfounded.
  8. Last week was my fist positive rating of the season. I gave it a solid 7. This week is a solid 9. What a great episode. This episode is a perfect example of changes being made that make sense and pay off big time on television. Lena Headey has been the best actor on the show this season and I hope it pays off for her. Her portrayal of Cersie has been spot on IMO. Very emotional and solid all season. Also loved Qyburn informing her that his work is still progressing. He he he. Tyrion and Dany was actually very enjoyable. I think having a great actor like Peter Dinklage with her made her act far better last night. Normally I only think she is good when speaking Dothraki or Valaryian but last night she was very good and I enjoyed their conversation greatly. I was thrilled to see Cat of the Canals. I figured that portion would be written off but I was pleasantly surprised. I was hoping for a face change but maybe that's coming up. But I am enjoying Arya and J'aqen a lot. Wish they could spend more time with them and a lot less time with Dorne. Excellent moment between Sansa and Theon. I was okay with her being at Winterfell this season and so far it is paying off. Sophie Turner played her with great emotion last night. Alfie Allen is still one of the show's best. I was utterly shocked when the Others attacked Hardhome. I was NOT expecting that. Not even a little. My only complaint is with Tormund. Only GRRM's episode a few seasons back gave him a "Har!" and had him act like his character in the book. But that's all. What a great television moment. Truly epic and horrifying in every way. Those kid wights freaked me the hell out. And the Wun Weg giant was just spectacular. I will reserve giving this a 10 because of what SHOULD be a 10 next week. My only dread is that Dorne will be in next week's episode. Dorne has been the absolute worst idea of any given season but I hope it pays off somehow.
  9. The Ironborn story from the books is great. Far better than the Martell story in the books. The show runners ruined the Ironborn last season and completely dropped it from the show. Where the F is Asha?
  10. Episode 7 gets a 7. First good episode of the season for me. Hopefully the next 3 episodes are at least as good as this one. Some questions. Where the frick did Ghost come from? And where the frick did Ghost go? Why even have the wolves anymore? Are they that expensive to use? More so than CGI dragons? Mormont and Tyrion confronting Dany was a tad weak too. Dropping the Greyjoys in favor of the Martells was a huge disaster. The Ironborn story would have played out much better on television.
  11. To me this is not even a season. It has been far weaker than Season 2. I hope the last 4 episodes can turn up something decent. But so far my fears for Season 5 have been very much justified. They screwed up everything and nothing good has come out of the changes. I get changes but these have been for the worse. Why do I need lame Dornish sand snakes who act like morons (and act poorly) when we could have had some seriously action packed Euron and Victarion and Damphair scenes!?!?! Leaving out the Ironborn to focus on the fancy Dornish was a disaster. Everyone loved The Viper last season because of the way the actor owned him. He was played to perfection. Dorn could have been part of the story this year but is should have been toned down a ton to focus on more interesting parts of the overall story. Like Euron and his horn. And Victarion's mission. I guess It's just too much story for any sort of television show. Even HBO.
  12. I didn't see it as Sansa getting raped. It was terrible but pretty much just as Dany was taken by Khal Drogo.
  13. Do yourself a favor, read the books. They are amazing. They will ruin the show for you but it is worth it.
  14. Gave it a 5. Dorne has been a complete disaster. Jaime and Bronn have become bumbling fools this season. The Sand Snakes suck. Arya was the only good part of the episode, although the intensity and detail of her training has been non-existent. Tyrion's way of getting out of death last night was stupid. The trial with the high sparrow was okay. Poor Sansa. Did we just see the oldest daughter of Eddard Stark get raped? Whatever. I guess it will make the payoff that much better. Maybe. Kills me that there are only 4 episodes left. I don't even feel like the season began yet. Most episodes have been so empty. And the last 2 books were excellent so don't give me that "Feast and Dance were full of nothing anyway" garbage. Yes, they were aftermath books that dealt with the events that took place in the first three books but they were still great reads and will be a great setup for book 6. This season is not setting anything up nor is it properly compelling. Why did I give it a 5?
  15. Soooooooo is Jon Snow going to send Aemon and Sam to Oldtown via Braavos? Jorah is taking the place of Connington, Selmy, and who else? Will they gain a red priest/priestess on their journeys? Random Dany deciding to open the pits and marry Hizdar. Rushed and makes little sense since they should have made Hizdar insisting this more throughout the season, including marriage and why it would help stop the murders. Instead they make him look like some weak coward. No more Mel and Jon Snow talking? She will be gone when... Would it kill them to have Tormund give a "har" every once in a while? Give him a better, larger personality? In the books, he rocks. In the show he is just another sullen, emo northerner like everyone else. No personality. The only time he was awesome was in the episode that GRRM wrote in Season 3. Go figure. Davos is not going to be sent to look for Rickon? Or maybe he will towards the end of the season? The Missandei/Greyworm love interest is brilliant. And by brilliant I mean it's lame as hell. "If you need help, light a candle in the highest tower." Sansa should have said, "What? Like I don't need help now? Fucking help!" Overall the show is a pleasant enough distraction until the next book comes out.
  16. Gave it a 6. One of the better episodes of the season, which is not saying much. Nothing so far has been higher than a 6 and most have been a 4 or lower for me. But I seem to have higher standards than some. As a show, it's fine. I am okay with the massive changes from the books only because I am just happy I can watch something related to the books I love until the next book arrives, which will hopefully be this coming winter. Ser Jorah has many hats to wear. He is basically taking the place of at least 3 people from the books. The stone men were just was okay. The dragon scene was great but the reason it happened was simply stupid. The Wall was fine. Not sure what is going to happen now that Mel and Davos are going with Stannis. No search for Rickon? No Mel to advise Snow? Will Snow send people to Oldtown now? Winterfell was good. No clue where Sansa's story is heading but I'm cool with it for now. So many balls have been dropped this season. Even worse than Season 2. Hope the second half picks up the pace. Can't believe we are already halfway done with the season. No reason why HBO could not give it 15 episodes. Even 12 would make a huge difference.
  17. I can only assume Stannis will be killing his daughter sometime in the near future for Melisandra's god.
  18. Gave it a 4...and I think I am being generous. I have removed myself from the books when watching this show so I try to be open minded. The Good: - Stannis and Shireen scene was a surprise and I liked it. - Sons of the Harpy going all out was good to see and much needed action. - Watching Selmy slaughter many, many Sons of the Harpy was great. - Jorah and Tyrion's scene was good. I can like them together. - Seeing Sansa in the crypts was great until... - As stupid as it was, Melisandra's breasts are always amazing to behold. - The show is so weak this season that it reinforces just how amazing the books really are. GRRM is a master of his trade and our minds and imaginations have no set limits. - Building up the stone men (greyscale) had better pay off somehow. The Bad: - The writing for this entire season has been crap and Episode 4 was no exception. - The Dorn story line is weak. Would have been nice if they followed the book even a little since it made far more sense. - Miss the Ironborn, who were far more fun to watch than angry Italians. - Killing Selmy off was pure crap. He died like a champ but come on! You killed off Selmy? Talk about taking the books and shitting on them. - I assume Greyworm lives. Would that many Unsullied have been killed by idiots in golden masks? The Unsullied should have laughed while killing all of them with ease. - The entire plot/point of arming the Sparrows was utter garbage. Completely missed the mark or the reasoning for Cersie's behavior. And why make them so stupid by carving a symbol into their heads? And then they run around like it's the 1930's prohibition? STUPID!!! - Sand Snakes introduction was weak as hell and very, very lame. Almost silly. Too bad Arianne was cut out of the story. She would have been a much better plot line than the annoying as all hell Paramour. - The entire scene with Tommen and Margery was weak and not convincing at all. - Melisandra trying to seduce Jon like that was idiotic and embarrassing. "Do you feel my heart?" Umm, no. I feel your tits. - Littlefinger has become a shit-for-brains this season. Unless he has some MASSIVE plan, why would he abandon his ONLY plan, which is to have Sansa? Sansa is he key to success. So, just leave her with a bunch of psychotic maniacs. I know those 3 women shown last week are his plants (I assume) but still. In the books, he just ignores Cersie. He is already passed the point of no return. - Jaime/Bronn buddy cop show is already amazingly stupid. How weak. He is the Kingslayer. Not some lovable goof who gets himself into trouble only to have his more serious pal Bronn get him out. At least have them travel to Dorn and bring the gift of Gregor's head as a peace offering. Then have it so they secretly want to kidnap Myrcella. I am sure I missed a lot more. This season is already worse than Season 2. The 4th and 5th books were weak and dull only if you have the IQ of an ant. They are superb and D&D apparently could not get a good story out of them for HBO.
  19. So after watching Episode 3, I am guessing the following: - The 3 women that the camera stopped on at Winterfell are not going to be Wildlings but plants that Littlefinger had infiltrate Winterfell before he and Sansa got there. So far this Season, Littlefinger seems like a complete moron but how can he not know about the psychotic infamy of Ramsey? I am guessing these women will watch over Sansa and keep her safe. They may even kill Ramsey after his wedding..unless Theon kills Ramsey before escaping Winterfell (with or without Sansa). I think viewers would want to see Theon have his revenge on Ramsey and the letter to Jon can be written by anyone else (if D&D even go that route). - I agree with the above posts about the greyscale replacing the flux. No way can D&D incorporate that entire storyline. Too involved for a mere 10 episode season. - I do not think Jorah is going to replace Connington at all. I think the entire Griff/Connington storyline will be thrown aside, as they are doing the Ironborn, Lord Manderly, Arianne Martell, Lady Stoneheart, etc., etc., etc. Since none of us have a clue what happens to Jorah yet, I think his fate ends this season as it did in Book 5. - Varys will now head back to King's Landing. Or he will search for Tyrion until he hears from his birds that Cersie is imprisoned and Kevan Lannister is running things. Either way, he has his way to head back to Kings Landing. And since the show makes it seem like the entire world is about as vast as Rhode Island, he has plenty of time to get there. - As long as Jon Snow sends Sam off to Oldtown with Gilly, her baby, and Aemon to become a maester, I can see them finding a ship from Braavos back to Westeros with Jaqen H'ghar either being the ship's captain or a crew member. Maybe the guy who helps them find the ship. It would be a way to get him to the Citadel, if that story line is even approached. Not sure though. - With Manderly obviously out, will Stannis be the one who realizes/finds out where Rickon and Osha went? Will he then send Davos on his mission instead of Manderly? Or will Jon Snow find out and ask Davos to rescue his brother for the good of the North? If Jon agrees to help Stannis' cause in return for Davos finding Rickon, this can still lead to...ya know...and keep things in line with the story.
  20. Gave it a 7. Far better than the first two episodes. I took myself away from the books and will try (again) to see this show for what it is: a gift to pass the time until the next book is finished. That is all. I might love the show if I never read the books, but I have read the books (4 times each) and will simply be happy for what the show is. It's filler until GRRM releases the next masterpiece. So for a television show that has been dumbed down for the masses, I give it a 7.
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