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Everything posted by Buckwheat

  1. Thanks! I worked a month and a half or so "on location", and then was sent to work from home, so it was quite hard to adjust to everything new in such a short time. Sleep schedule is a tricky thing to mantain in all cases. When I worked from home, I was just as tired in the afternoon as I am when I am in school. 4 or so hours on Zoom are really exahusting, just in a different way. I had headaches and my eyes hurt for a time almost every day. Now, I work from the school, but still have a part of the classes online. It is still better than from home, even though the commute is long. I am sure a lasagna counts. Great, now I want a lasagna.
  2. When it comes to cooking, maybe the best strategy to learn it would be to join forces with somebody who knows what they are doing. It is a lot of fun to cook together. But sadly, covid might be a problem if you don't want to be in enclosed spaces with other people right now. Soooo ... no real idea about what to do with your buns now. But my elderly grandmother showed the valonqar and myself how to make a strudel about a month or two ago. We did most of the work, and she provided the expertise - what needs to be added, how to knead and so on. She just touched the dough and immediately knew what to add and she still has that touch to pull and spread the strudel dough, even though she hasn't baked it in a long time. It was amazing.
  3. Hmmmm I have made pizza dough with yeast a lot of times now (we make our home made pizza sometimes) and I cannot think what could be wrong with yeast. A few days ago, I unwrapped a package of yeast and it had mould on it, so my brother and I threw it away - this was the first time I saw anything like it. I never attempted to use anything but my hands to knead dough. It works okay just using hands. How long has it been since you left it to rise? Maybe wait a bit longer. We leave our pizza dough to rise for about 45 minutes.
  4. Yay for improved cooking, this is always useful. Keep at piano practice. I didn't really pick up any hobbies, but I had a bunch of things to learn anew because I got a new job in September and there are still areas where I am new. I still slept almost till 9 in the morning, even though I went to sleep around 10. It looks like I really needed it. The weather is changing a lot here too. Today is sunny again after a few days of horrid rain. Yesterday drive home was very unpleasant because it was pouring. I am not enjoying my weekend right now due to our upper neighbour renovating her flat and it is very loud. What kind of buns are those? Good luck with going to a store! I am sure you must be immune for some months now.
  5. It is Friday evening, barely 8 PM. I am already showered, in my pyjama, and completely ready to sleep. Wiped out. I am having the wildest life in the last year of my twenties, I tell you.
  6. It changes all the time. It was sunny and warm yesterday - very lucky, since we spent most of the day outside in nature, on a field trip. It would have not been pleasant if it had rained. But today, the skies became more and more grey and just an hour or so ago, we had a short, but thick rain shower. The temperatures don't drop as low as in your place, though. Congratulations to them for the vaccinations. I am a bit envious that Pfizer is reserved for young people where you are - I am young and we get AZ if we are young, also the 18-year-old students got it. It doesn't make any sense, as this vaccine is riskier for younger people. It sucks that your relatives got the riskier vaccine too ... I do hope the side effects disappear soon for them. Did you get your vaccine too? Arya Kiddin! You are back! Welcome back. How are you, how is covid-life treating you? Good luck with the vaccination.
  7. May the Fourth be with you, spammers. Was on a trip with some students today. Most of it was spent waking trough nature, wilderness, forest, by a stream and through two small villages. It was really cute and relaxing in a way (and also muddy in places). I most enjoyed not having to wear a mask through the whole workday, due to being outside the whole time.
  8. Very good. I hope you have managed to calm down from all the stress by now and let others sort the situation out. You cannot just say something like that and not tell us! Congratulations on your vaccination! I hope the second dose comes quickly. I don't even have my second one scheduled - it should be some time in May.
  9. One week in autumn, one week for Christmas/New Year, one week in February and in the spring - sometimes it would be one week, and sometimes just maybe 5 days in a row or so, depending on how the holidays fall. I see what you mean. Yep, there are plenty of holidays falling on a weekend this year. Even 1st and 2nd May, which are public holidays here, are Saturday and Sunday. Soooooo ... I technically have free days now, but I am sitting here grading essays all day. Good luck with cleaning out the flat. I hope I find some time to sort out my room these days too. Zero motivation to do any of that, of course.
  10. A lot of vacation days sounds good. I actually think I have a lot of off days as a teacher, but obviously I cannot decide myself when to take them. (I don't mind that at all.) How do you mean, no Christmas? Shouldn't sister clean out her room herself? Did she take most of the furniture out to her new flat?
  11. *walks into thread* Anybody here? A week without classes from tomorrow on, but I have a bunch of essays to correct and grade. The classes start on 3rd May again. The weather is going to be shitty for the next few days, so not a very fun couple of days apparently. How are the rest of the spammers?
  12. I am going back to my workplace after the short "lockdown" (which was that at all) tomorrow morning. Hate early rising and the long commute, but I learned that I hate prolonged online teaching even more.
  13. Hi! Welcome here, regardless of how late! You are welcome to stay and post as often or as rarely as you want. We are all trying to keep this thread running, but the past few years left very few enthusiastic posters. In the times of covid, nobody seems to have much interest in anything at all. I often feel like I have nothing contribute anyway.
  14. Sniffer! Hi! Welcome back. And congratulations on your vaccination too. Glad to hear you are safe. Thanks, and thanks for trying to keep me sane. Online schooling over Zoom today went mostly well. It is still weirdly exhausting spending that much time videoconferencing. It snowed today, and it got so cold. Tonight the temperatures are going to drop as low as -5 °C again, after a few weeks of spring. April weather, apparently. I suppose the silver lining of all this work from home is not having to commute in this weather?
  15. I have a question about how these pronouns actually work in coversation that H mentioned. I understand one would want to be referred to as what they identify as, but ... would not one just use the pronoun "you" when talking directly to that person? I know sometimes one refers to people as she/he/they etc. when talking about them in the 3rd person, but I am wondering how often it comes up in a face-to-face conversation instead of a 2nd person "you" ... unless it is meant that the specific pronouns should in this case, when a person specifically tells their pronouns, be used instead of the 2nd person, and "you" not being used at all when talking to them? I want to talk respectfully to everybody, but I am not sure how that works in English in this case. (My first language works completely differently when it comes to identifying gender and I've never seen anything like that in anybody's email signature either, and I've never seen a discussion about this topic in my first language.)
  16. Well ... we'll see about that. It is worse than last spring, at least the morale is much worse. We still have a really stupid government. And they keep making dumber and dumber decisions. About this new lockdown we are supposed to be having. Welp. They said they were going to shut everything down on the 1st April in an attempt to stop the virus and give people more time to get vaccinations. Well, it turns out that everything now basically means only the public sector (i. e., mostly schools and public offices) and some parts of the private sector, like hair salons and restaurants etc. But large stores are staying open in a lot of cases, as well as car workshops (I know that because our car is going to be repaired next week), aaaaaaaand all the large production companies. So basically, I cannot see my students and work in the school even with everybody wearing masks and most of the teachers being vaccinated with the first dose already, while production workers can be in a large production hall with who knows how many coworkers, and sit together in the company cafeteria and whatever, mainly not vaccinated. Yeah, that makes a lot of sense ... not. Just because apparently the private sector cannot stop because money. I mean, yes, money is fucking important, but then let's not pretend we are doing everything we can to stop the virus if the first thing you do is just close down schools for months on end and leave a lot of the other areas open for everybody to get infected as much as they like. I remember the politicians saying that schools should be the last to close and the first to open. So much about that. I am really, really, sick of these lockdowns and the isolation and the restrictions and I can feel becoming depressed after only two days of working from home again. /rant
  17. I am sorry about the positive test results. The situation is only getting worse here too. I ... am very fed up with this all. And on top of it, we are having a family health-related crisis (not covid-related). I just want to see the kind gentleman to talk to, but with covid, the restrictions, crazy different schedules and family stuff going all wrong, scheduling a meetup is very hard. It was the last one ... for now, I suppose? I mean, they are talking about potentially closing the schools again. FFS, and here I was thinking we were vaccinated as a priority exactly so we could keep the schools open. Happy birthday to mini Sith 2! And yay for winning the battle with depression. Stay safe and healthy, the whole family.
  18. I have nevet tried sugary chestnut. I used to love roasted chestnuts, but then I ate way too many once and became sick after that. Since then, they don't taste the same to me. Covid situation is indeed awful. Or maybe also exploited-third-world-workers-friendly activity? Shopping over what one needs is indeed ... wasteful. I do understand it destresses you, but I sadly somehow cannot condone it. I do hope the last of these tests was negative at last ... I have my mandatory covid test for work tomorrow morning.
  19. I will take your word for it. It sounds like something I would be doubtful about. Enjoy OUAT!
  20. Hello, welcome back. It seems like many people are in such a mood. I am so busy myself that I don't feel like posting much here, and I also feel like I have nothing of interest to share. How are both mini siths? I hope the whole family is well. ... what. This is ... a thing?
  21. I am so sorry to hear that. Hang in there. I am sure the next test will be better. I understand you must be going crazy with isolation by now. We are here to chat.
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